
2.1.1 • Public • Published

BlueGenes Protein Visualizer

BlueGenes Protein Visualizer is a tool made for BlueGenes following BlueGenes Tool API. It can help users (biologists) to visualize protein structures in different types of viewer in 3D. Users can select the PDB id they want to visualize and the visualizer fetches PDBs from the rcsb org. It can also be used as standalone tool to integrate in any web application.



To set up locally for development

  1. Clone the repo
  2. cd bluegenes-protein-visualizer and then npm install to install dependencies.

All of the editable source files for css and js are in src. To bundle for prod, run the following commands:


Assuming less is installed globally:

npm run less


Assuming webpack is installed globally:

Single build:
npm run build
Applied Coding practices / ESLint Rules:
  • indent: use tab (2 space tab) instead of spaces to not get an error.
  • linebreak-style: use \n for a newline, if you're on windows, configure it in your editor settings.
  • quotes: use single quote instead of double quote.
  • semi: use semi colon at end of each statement / expression / function definition.
  • comma-dangle: do not use dangling commas i.e. extra comma at the end of object values, function args, etc.). More about this here.
  • More pre-configured rules from eslint:recommended you must follow to not get errors here.

To serve your code at localhost:3456 and rebuild it every time it changes, run:

npm run dev

Package Sidebar


npm i @intermine/bluegenes-protein-visualizer

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284 kB

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  • ankdev
  • yochannah
  • sergiocontrino
  • juliesullivan
  • uosl