With Wallet
This JS package implements a generic connection to Crypto wallets, and a specific implementation per wallet and/or Blockchain. This package is production-ready and is used for user authentication via their wallet. The first implementation was made for Cardano, including connecting to wallet, requesting wallet connect authorization, signing message for authorization. The library now also supports Metamask (multi-chain),Keplr (Cosmos chains, ATOM first), Phantom (Solana) wallets. More to come later...
This library was first made, and is maintained, for
This module is installed directly using npm
$ npm install @incubiq/siww
const SIWW = require('@incubiq/siww'); // the generic access to wallet connectors
let siwc=SIWW.getConnector("SIWC"); // the Cardano wallets connector (multi-wallet support)
let siwm=SIWW.getConnector("SIWM"); // the Metamask wallet connector (multi-chain support, may lack most chain icons for display)
let siwk=SIWW.getConnector("SIWK"); // the Keplr wallet connector (multi-chain support in principle, currently Cosmos)
let siwp=SIWW.getConnector("SIWP"); // the Phantom wallet connector (multi-chain support in principle, currently Solana)
This library allows you to Authenticate via a Cardano compatible wallet, as well as other wallets, such as Metamask (multi-chain), Keplr (cosmos). More wallet support to come...
siwc.async_initialize({onNotifyAccessibleWallets: function(_aWallet){}, onNotifyConnectedWallet: function(_obj){}, onNotifySignedMessage: function(_wallet){}});
Call this function to initialize the Sign-in With Cardano library. The function takes an optional object as parameter, to allow for callback functions to be called when specific events trigger.
- 'onNotifyAccessibleWallets(_aWallet)' is called at initialization of the library and detection of all available Cardano wallets (browser plugins).
- 'onNotifyConnectedWallet(_obj)' is called when a wallet gets connected to our host, either because it was connected during an ealier session, or because the user just connected it. It contains entries to determine which case we are in ({didUserAccept: true/false, didUserClick: true/false, didShowWallet: true/false, wallet: ...})
- 'onNotifyAccessibleWallets(_wallet)' is called at initialization for each accessible Cardano wallet (browser plugins)
Call this function to connect to a wallet whose ID is _id. For example, to connect to a nami Cardano wallet, call 'SIWW.async_connectWallet("nami")' If siwc was first initialized with a callback (onNotifyConnectedWallet), it will be called upon sucessful (or failed) connection. Note that you can call directly siwc.async_connectWallet("nami") or otherwise the more generic SIWW.async_connectWallet("nami") which will recognise "nami" as a cardano wallet and therefore redirect the call to "siwc".
SIWW.async_createMessage(_id, {message: "sample message...", version: "1.0", valid_for: 300})
Call this function to create a message that will be ready for processing by async_signMessage(...)
SIWW.async_signMessage(_id, objSiwcMsg, "authentication");
Call this function to request the wallet to present the end-user with a Sign Message dialog, containing the requested message and some additional info for certified validity of caller. This function will return the message signature as well as a few additional params for server verification of the signature.