Camera Switch Interface
Releasing NPM package
Making an npm release is done manually by one of the developers with publishing access to our huddly organization account on npmjs. The following procedure should be followed when wanting to make a new npm package release:
- Bump the package version manually by running the script
./scripts/ <NEWVERSION>
- After having updated the package.json version, make sure you commit the changes to github
- Last step is to make the actual release. You can do that by running the following command
npm run publish-package
. NOTE Running this command requires you to be logged in to npmjs through your terminal windows with the huddly account.
Releasing Nuget package
Making a nuget release is done manually by whomever has access to artifactory. The following procedure should be followed:
- Go to and log in. Navigate to artifacts and locate
repository. Click on the repository and go toSet me Up
- On the
Set me up page
of the nuget repository, enter you password and copy the information for setting up your nuget repository locally - The following command sets up a nuget repository (Note, if you enter the password on the set me up page, you can use the authentication key instead of the password on the next command):
nuget sources Add -Name Artifactory -Source -username <USERNAME> -password <PASSWORD/API_KEY>
nuget sources Add -Name ArtifactoryNugetLocal -Source -username <USERNAME> -password <PASSWORD/API_KEY>
- After having run that command you need to make sure you authenticate yourself against that repository. The following command can be used:
nuget setapikey <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD/API_KEY> -Source Artifactory
nuget setapikey <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD/API_KEY> -Source ArtifactoryNugetLocal
- Now you are good to publish any nuget packages to the nuget-local repository on artifactory.
- By setting up the
repository locally, you can fetch nuget packages from the official nuget registry but also from our own one hosted on artifactory-
is a virtual repository -
is a local repository where we host our nuget packages -
is a remote repository in artifactory pointing to official nuget registry (this one we dont have to set up as setting up the virtual one is sufficient)
- Make sure your versions are matching on all packages (npm and nuget). TIP: you can use
script to bump the versions for the npm and nuget packages. - Pack and push your new nuget package using the following command:
nuget pack Huddly.CameraSwitchProto.nuspec
nuget push Huddly.CameraSwitchProto.nuspec -Source ArtifactoryNugetLocal
- Locate your newly pushed nuget package on the
repository on artifactory.
NOTE: Afected projects when doing changes to this repository and/or making new releases include: