A Prettier plugin that formats HubL templates for use with the HubSpot CMS
Plugin status: Beta
This plugin is currently in active development. Bug reports and questions are welcomed.
In keeping with Prettier’s philosophy, this plugin is relatively opinionated and sometimes Prettier will prefer one syntax over another. For example:
{{ foo is string_containing “bar” }}
will become{{ foo is string_containing(“bar”) }}
a && b
willbecome a and b
c || d
will becomec or d
If you have a particular code-style opinion that you feel strongly about, feel free to open an issue for review.
You can install this plugin directly from NPM by running:
npm i @hubspot/prettier-plugin-hubl
If you haven't already installed prettier you'll want to do that as well:
npm i prettier
If you don't already have a prettier config file, create one:
# .prettierrc.json
"overrides": [
"files": "*.html",
"options": {
"parser": "hubl"
Run prettier
npx prettier --write '**/*.html'
Troubleshooting Errors
Check under “Known Issues” to see if your error has been reported already. If not, feel free to open up a new issue.
You can stay up to date with HubSpot CMS Boilerplate updates and discussions in the #hs-cms-boilerplate channel in the HubSpot Developer Slack.