A logging and tracing library for cloud-native apps. This library uses:
- winston for logging
- opentelemetry for tracing and monitoring metrics
We add tracing context into logging when it's available so that we can monitor apps better.
The target supported backends:
- Google Cloud Tracing and Logging
- Grafana
- EFK stack (Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana)
- Amazon CloudWatch
How to use
- npm install:
$ npm install @teracyhq-incubator/logging-tracing
- Create tracing.js file with the following similar content:
const { initTracing } = require('@teracyhq-incubator/logging-tracing');
// for google cloud tracing
const { CloudPropagator } = require('@google-cloud/opentelemetry-cloud-trace-propagator');
const exporterSpec = process.env.TRACE_EXPORTER || "";
let exporterOpts = {}, registerOpts = {};
switch(exporterSpec) {
case "ZIPKIN":
exporterOpts = Object.assign(exporterOpts, tracing.getExporterOptions(), {
serviceName: "nodejs-app"
registerOpts = {
// Use CloudPropagator
propagator: new CloudPropagator()
const opts = {
provider: {
plugins: {
http: {
enabled: true,
path: '@opentelemetry/plugin-http'
// ignoreIncomingPaths: ['/healthz']
https: {
enabled: true,
path: '@opentelemetry/plugin-https'
express: {
enabled: true,
path: '@opentelemetry/plugin-express'
exporter: exporterOpts,
register: registerOpts
Make sure to:
- Install npm packages:
$ npm install express @opentelemetry/plugin-http @opentelemetry/plugin-https @opentelemetry/plugin-express
- Set env var
when deploying on GKE so that Google Cloud Tracing should work.
- Follow the similar content below:
const { getLogger } = require('@teracyhq-incubator/logging-tracing');
const logger = getLogger('my category');
logger.info('information message'); // etc
// Set logging level by env var: LOGGING_LEVEL=debug|info|notice|...
// using the logging methods/ levels below:
// {
// emerg: 0, // One or more systems are unusable.
// alert: 1, // A person must take an action immediately.
// crit: 2, // Critical events cause more severe problems or outages.
// error: 3, // Error events are likely to cause problems.
// warn: 4, // Warning events might cause problems.
// notice: 5, // Normal but significant events, such as start up, shut down, or a configuration change
// info: 6, // Routine information, such as ongoing status or performance.
// debug: 7 // Debug or trace information
// }
Logging should work out of the box on GKE, make sure to set the env var NODE_ENV=production
- See
as a reference working example