
0.2.0-beta.1 • Public • Published


React component for visualizing CWL-like workflows (and similar data).

This repository is in alpha/beta phase, and is provided with very, very limited support to folks outside of HMS. Hopefully, in the future this will change!

Currently, this package is being used by HMS-DBMI in the 4DN Data Portal to show provenance of analytical pipeline runs. Also being used in CGAP for similar purposes.

Check out a live demo at unpkg.com/@hms-dbmi-bgm/react-workflow-viz/index.html. Note: This link points to the index.html file in the distributable NPM package (and in this repo).

Gif of CWL Workflow Viz

Try Demo Locally

With a local clone and checkout of the repo:

npm install
npm run build

When it completes, load file:///path-to-your-checkout/react-workflow-viz/index.html.

Note: New test data won't show with npm run build unless it is already present in unpkg/npm. Similarly, if a new NPM release has not been made to match the current local version specified in package-lock.json and package.json, no data will load at file:/// path. Run local development server and test that way instead (see below).

For Contributors/Collaborators

For local development, run npm run dev (watches /src/ files, serves on localhost:8100).


Changelog has been moved to CHANGELOG.md file in repo's root directory. Please check there for updates.

Things to do

  • Add & export a script/function to convert a unidirectional CWL into bidirectonal structure needed for this viz tool.
  • Add complete example of CWL being visualized (including usage of script/function above to do so).
  • Include way to show contents of testdata/setup code in demo index.html view/page.
  • Documentation & reference

Package Sidebar


npm i @hms-dbmi-bgm/react-workflow-viz

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  • bmorris280
  • ugurcamoglu35
  • utku-ozturk
  • alexkb09