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1.0.27 • Public • Published

Network utils (@hint/utils-network)

Set of helpers for network.


This package is installed automatically when adding webhint to your project so running the following is enough:

npm install hint --save-dev


  • asPathString: Returns the pathname of a URL, normalizing depending on the platform.
  • getAsUri: Receives a string and returns a valid Uris
  • getAsUris: Receives an array of string and returns an array of valid Uris.
  • hasProtocol: Convenience function to check if a resource uses a specific protocol.
  • includedHeaders: Returns a list of all the headers in headerList that are in headers sorted alphabetically.
  • isDataURI: Convenience function to check if a resource is a data URI.
  • isHTMLDocument: Convenience function to check if a resource is a HTMLDocument.
  • isHTTP: Convenience function to check if a resource is served over HTTP.
  • isHTTPS: Convenience function to check if a resource is served over HTTPS.
  • isLocalFile: Convenience function to check if a resource is a local file.
  • isRegularProtocol: Convenience function to check if a uri's protocol is http/https if specified.
  • normalizeHeaderValue: Remove whitespace from both ends of a header value and lowercase it.
  • requestAsync: Convenience wrapper for asynchronously request an URL.
  • requestJSONAsync: Request response in the json format from an endpoint.
  • rxLocalhost: RegExp to test if a resource points to localhost.
  • rxLocalFile: RegExp to test if a resource is loaded from a local file.

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npm i @hint/utils-network



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