
0.2.0 • Public • Published



NPM package CI in main branch

  • Reading and writing the current device firmware by DFU 1.1
  • Switching from the runtime configuration to the DFU bootloader (DFU detach)


npm i @hakkei/webdfu


Full example in: webdfu/demo

Demo: https://dfu.hakkei.wiki



  • events: An instance of NanoEvents that can be used to listen for different events, such as init, connect, and disconnect.
  • interfaces: An array of WebDFUSettings objects representing the DFU interfaces present on the device.
  • properties: An object containing the properties of the DFU functional descriptor, if present.
  • connected: A boolean indicating whether the class is currently connected to a device.
  • currentInterfaceSettings: The settings of the currently selected DFU interface.


constructor(device: USBDevice, settings?: WebDFUOptions, log?: WebDFULog)

Creates a new instance of the WebDFU class.

get type(): number

Returns the type of DFU interface, either WebDFUType.DFU or WebDFUType.SDFUse

async init(): Promise<void>

Initializes the class by finding the DFU interfaces present on the device.

async connect(interfaceIndex: number): Promise<void>

Connects to the specified DFU interface on the device. Throws an error if the interface is not found or if there is an error connecting.

async close(): Promise<void>

Closes the connection to the device and emits a disconnect event.

read(xferSize: number, maxSize: number): WebDFUProcessRead

Reads data from the device with a specified transfer size and maximum size. Returns a WebDFUProcessRead object that can be used to listen for events such as end and error.

write(xfer_size: number, data: ArrayBuffer, manifestationTolerant: boolean): WebDFUProcessWrite

Writes data to the device with a specified transfer size and a boolean indicating whether the write should be manifestation tolerant. Returns a WebDFUProcessWrite object that can be used to listen for events such as end and error.

private async getDFUDescriptorProperties(): Promise<WebDFUProperties | null>

Attempts to read the DFU functional descriptor from the device. Returns an object containing the properties of the descriptor, or null if the descriptor is not present.

private async findDfuInterfaces(): Promise<WebDFUSettings[]>

Searches for DFU interfaces on the device and returns an array of WebDFUSettings objects.

private async fixInterfaceNames(interfaces: WebDFUSettings[]): Promise<void>

Forces the interface names of the device if specified by the settings.

private async readStringDescriptor(index: number, langID = 0)

Reads the string descriptor with the specified index and language ID from the device. Returns the descriptor as an array of 16-bit words if langID is 0, otherwise returns the descriptor as a string.

private async readDeviceDescriptor(): Promise<DataView>

Reads the device descriptor from the device. Returns a DataView object.

private async readInterfaceNames()

Reads the interface names from the device and returns an object that maps the interface index to the corresponding interface name.



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