
5.5.0 • Public • Published


This package contains the code for the commercial bundle that is loaded on all pages on theguardian.com.


To install the package, run yarn add @guardian/commercial-bundle.



  • Node
    • see .nvmrc for the current version
    • the version manager fnm is recommended with additional configuration to automatically switch on changing directory
  • Yarn


To install dependencies, run yarn.

To develop locally, run yarn serve to start a local server. This will watch for changes and rebuild the bundle. Serving it at http://localhost:3031.


To run the unit tests, run yarn test.

To run the integration tests, switch to the e2e workspace to run yarn cypress:open or yarn cypress:run to run cypress integration tests.


Changes are automatically released to NPM.

The main branch on GitHub is analysed by semantic-release after every push.

If a commit message follows the conventional commit format, semantic-release can determine what types of changes are included in that commit.

If necessary, it will then automatically release a new, semver-compliant version of the package to NPM.

You can then bump the version of the package in Frontend, to use the new version.

Pull requests

Try to write PR titles in the conventional commit format, and squash and merge when merging. That way your PR will trigger a release when you merge it (if necessary).

Working locally with DCR

To use the bundle locally with DCR, run COMMERCIAL_BUNDLE_URL=http://localhost:3031/graun.standalone.commercial.js PORT=3030 make dev in the DCR directory.

DCR will then use the local bundle instead of the one from PROD/CODE.

Working locally with Frontend

To use the bundle locally with Frontend, you can override your default Frontend configuration (see the Frontend docs for more detail on this) to point to a local commercial dev server. For example, save the following in ~/.gu/frontend.conf:

devOverrides {

Frontend will then use the local bundle instead of the one from PROD/CODE. Frontend will pass the local bundle URL along to DCR, so you don't have to override there if you've done it in Frontend.


To use the production bundle locally with Frontend, run yarn link in the bundle directory. Then run yarn link @guardian/commercial-bundle in the frontend directory. Finally, start the frontend server as usual.

Frontend will then use the local bundle instead of the one from PROD/CODE.

Testing on CODE

To test the bundle on CODE, create a PR, add the [beta] @guardian/commercial-bundle label, this will release a beta version of the bundle to NPM, the exact version will be commented on your PR.

On a branch on frontend you can update the version of the bundle to the beta version and deploy to CODE to test.




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  • joecowton1
  • guardian-developers
  • akash1810
  • reetta
  • sndrs
  • mxdvl