Standalone data solution useful for displaying and interacting with data on your website
All methods implement node-style callback functions or, if omitted, return ES6 Promises. The listed return values show what is passed to the callback or the Promise.
* Creates a Basket instance for interacting with a single basket.
* @param {String} basketId - Basket identifier string.
* @param {String} apiKey - API Key giving certain interaction permission. May be null if
* not required.
let basket = new Basket(basketId, apiKey)
* Adds a table to the basket
* @param {String} optTableId - Optional name for the new table. If omitted, a default 'Table1'
* style name is used.
* @returns {String} - The name of the new table, which may be a sanitized version of the input.
basket.addTable(optTableId, optCallback)
* Retrieves a table from the basket
* @param {String} tableId - The name of the table to retreive.
* @returns {Object} - The table data.
basket.getTable(tableId, optCallback)
* Renames a table in the basket
* @param {String} oldTableId - The current name of the table to rename.
* @param {String} newTableId - The new name for the table.
* @returns {String} - The name of the new table, which may be a sanitized version of the input.
basket.renameTable(oldTableId, newTableId, optCallback)
* Overwrites the current data in a table with new data
* @param {String} tableId - The name of the table whose data should be replaced.
* @param {Object} tableData - The new data for the table.
* @returns null
basket.replaceTableData(tableId, tableData, optCallback)
* Deletes the table in the basket
* @param {String} tableId - The name of the table to be deleted.
* @returns null
basket.deleteTable(tableId, optCallback)
* Lists tables in the basket
* @returns {Array} - An array of tableIds of tables in the basket
index.js is produced by babel from basket.js via:
babel basket.js --out-file index.js