This is a Gatsby Starter created to make using the gatsby-starter-material-ui-blog-theme Gatsby Theme easy, with an example for quicker set up.
See the Example Site to see the design :).
Use the Starter
🚀 Quick start
- Install Gatsby-CLI.
Here's the guide to set up Gatsby
Create Your Blog Dir w/ Gatsby CLI
Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site with the starter link
# create a new Gatsby site using the blog starter gatsby new my-new-blog
Start developing.
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
cd my-new-blog/ gatsby develop
Open the source code and start editing!
Your site is now running at
!Note: You'll also see a second link:
. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.
Gatsby Themes are passed as a plugin, and we can use theme options within our gatsby-config.js
file to override options. Configure your theme by passing in the siteMetadata options you want :)
// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: '@greatgatsbyjs/gatsby-theme-ggt-material-ui-blog',
options: {
siteMetadata: {
author: `@kalebmckelvey`, // author for each post in the rss feed
avatarImgSrc: '', // the 60x60 avatar image for the homepage bio
bioLineOne: 'Material UI Gatsby Theme', // the first line of the bio card on the home page
bioLineTwo: 'Performant and easy!', // the second line of the bio card on the home page
copyright: 'KMK Studios LLC', // the text shown on the bottom left of the footer
description: 'test', // description of your site for your rss feed
gATrackingID: 'GA-xxxxx', // google analytics tracking id
icon: '/static/logo-256.png', // the icon used for your fav and manifest icon. 512px would be best
manifest: {
backgroundColor: '#e0e0e0',
shortName: 'GGT Material UI Blog', // The shortname used in the manifest for offline capabilities
themeColor: '#0D47A1'
pathPrefix: '/', // if you want to prefix your site with /blog or other options, do so here.
postCardReadBtnText: 'Read More', // the text on each post preview button on the home page.
postDateFormat: 'MMMM Do, YYYY', // the date format below each post
postDefaultCategoryID: 'random', // default category id for each post
rssUrl: '/rss.xml', // the rss feed url
seoKeywords: ['seo word1', 'seo word2'], // keywords for your site passed to the SEO component
sitemapUrl: '/sitemap.xml', // url of your sitemap - recommend leaving it default
siteUrl: 'http://localhost:8000', // the url of your site
tagline: 'High quality - simple set up!', // the tag line for the title of your blog,
theme: {
// these colors are passed to the material-ui plugin to create material themes. Use this pallete to decide:
// The recommendation is to pick a 400 level color as primary, and an a700 color as secondary.
primary: '#3f51b5',
secondary: '#00796b'
title: `Great Gatsby JS Themes` // the title on the blog
Now you will get all the functionality in your blog with a gatsby-config.js
file and a content/blog
Your example project will look like this:
Open the source code and start editing!
To write a new blog, simply create a new md or mdx file in the content/blog directory and you should see it on your home page!
Add Your Profile Image
To add a new profile image to the index page, you can either link directly to a file you have hosted somewhere by using the avatarSrcImage
field within the gatsby-config site metadata, or follow the steps below to add one to the starter.
- Create a static folder at the root of the starter
- Add your image, for example I added
- Edit
to use that image by using the exact same file name with extension to the siteMetadata field - Restart your dev server andsee your image :)
Override Components / Files (Component Shadowing)
To override a theme component, you will need to add src/@greatgatsbyjs/gatsby-theme-ggt-material-ui-blog/<dir>
with the name of the file you want to override.
For example, if you would like to override the default Bio
// src/@greatgatsbyjs/gatsby-theme-ggt-material-ui-blog/Bio/index.js
import React from 'react'
const Bio = (props) => (
<div>hello all from my new blog!</div>
export default Bio
The bio component should then render instead of the default one!
Contact Kaleb
If you're downloading the theme and having any issues, please let me know via a github issue or through Twitter: @KalebMcKelvey
Thank you for using and would love to hear how I can make it better for you!