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Grafoo core

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$ npm i @grafoo/core && npm i -D @grafoo/babel-plugin


Assuming you already have babel installed, the only additional step required to build an application with Grafoo is to configure @grafoo/babel-plugin. The options it accepts are idFields - the fields Grafoo will take to build unique identifiers, and schema, which is a relative path to your schema file.

  "plugins": [
        "schema": "schema.graphql",
        "idFields": ["id"]


@grafoo/core consists of a module that exports as default function a factory to create the client intance and a submodule that exports that graphql template tag.

graphql template tag

From @grafoo/core/tag is exported the graphql or gql tag that you'll use to create your queries. On build time every time you use that tag it will be replace with a special object that assists the client on the caching process. It is a dummy module and if you do not have @grafoo/babel-plugin it will thow you an error.


import gql from "@grafoo/core/tag";

const USER_QUERY = gql`
  query($id: ID!) {
    user(id: $id) {

// will be transformed to this on build time

const USER_QUERY = {
  query: "query($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { name id } }"
  paths: {
    "user(id:$id){name id}": {
      name: "user",
      args: ["id"]

createClient factory

createClient accepts as arguments a transport function to comunicate with your GraphQL API and an options object. This options are:

Option Type Required Description
idFields string[] false fields Grafoo takes to build unique identifiers
initialState object false a initial state to hydrate the cache. It can be produced by the flush client method


import createClient from "@grafoo/core";

function fetchQuery(query, variables) {
  const init = {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }),
    headers: {
      "content-type": "application/json"

  return fetch("http://some.graphql.api", init).then(res => res.json());

const client = createClient(fetchQuery);


IdFields is homologous to the @grafoo/babel-plugin option with the same name. You don't have much to worry about it because it's automatically inserted by @grafoo/babel-plugin on every client instantiation. It is an array of fields that Grafoo will take to build unique identifiers.

Say you want to consume a query like so:

  me {

If idFields is configured with ["id"]. This query will be transformed to this:

  me {

Then the client, when caching this data, will use this id field to store it.


const client = createClient(fetchQuery, {
  idFields: ["id", "__typename"]


the createClient factory returns a client instance with some methods:

Name Description
execute executes queries
read reads queries from the cache
write writes queries to the cache
listen takes a listener callback and notify for cache changes
flush dumps the internal state of the instance cache


This method receives as arguments a query object created with the @grafoo/core/tag template tag and optionally a GraphQL variables object. It returns a promise that will resolve with the data requested or reject with a list of GraphQL errors.


const variables = { id: 123 };

client.execute(USER_QUERY, variables).then(data => {
  console.log(data); // { "user": { "name": "John Doe", "id": "123" } }


The write method as the name implies writes to the cache. It takes as argumets the query object, an optional variables object and the data to be stored.


client.execute(USER_QUERY, variables).then(data => {
  client.write(USER_QUERY, variables, data);


The read method takes as arguments the query object and optionally a variables object. It returns an object with three properties: data, a tree structured object shaped according to your query tree, objects a flat structured object containing every node on your query indexed by a unique id created with the idProps option passed on client instantiation and a partial property that flags if the data is partially cached or not.


client.read(USER_QUERY, variables);
// {
//   "data": {
//     "user": {
//       "name": "John Doe",
//       "id": "123"
//     }
//   },
//   "objects": {
//     "123": {
//       "name": "John Doe",
//       "id": "123"
//     }
//   },
//   partial: false
// }


listen takes a listener callback as argument. Whenever the cache is updated that listener is called with the objects that were inserted, modified or removed.


function listener(objects) {

const unlisten = client.listen();

client.write(USER_QUERY, variables, data);

unlisten(); // detaches the listener from the client


The flush method dumps all of the data inside the cache in it's raw state, producing a snapshot. It is to be used in mainly on the server producing, a initial state that can be passed as an option to createClient on client side.


// server.js
app.get("/", (req, res) => {

// client.js
const client = createClient(fetchQuery, {
  initialState: window._GRAFOO_INITIAL_STATE_



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