Gotabit Keplr Wallet with Direct and Amino signing
npm install
npm i @gotabit/wallet-keplr
yarn install
yarn add @gotabit/wallet-keplr
Init Keplr wallet
const wallet = await KeplrWallet.init('test');
With custom config
import { KeplrWallet } from '@gotabit/wallet-keplr';
const wallet = await KeplrWallet.init({
rpc: '',
chainId: 'gotabit-test-1',
chainName: 'GotaBit-test',
rest: '',
coinType: 118,
coinDenom: 'GTB',
coinDecimals: 6,
coinMinimalDenom: 'ugtb',
coinGeckoId: 'gotabit',
gasPriceStep: { low: 0.001, average: 0.0025, high: 0.003 },
gasPrices: '',
gasAdjustment: 0,
Code built with the help of these related projects:
- keplr-extension Keplr is a browser extension wallet for the Inter blockchain ecosystem.