Invoice Insights
This command line tool will analyze the invoice from a cloud provider and create a report with the total usage and cost, including the equivalent products and cost on GCP. We take the invoice CSV as input, and generate an ascii table or a CSV file with the information extracted.
This tool requires nodejs.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an officially supported Google product.
Processing the invoice
Only the AWS invoice is supported at this time. Invoice Insights can process the following services from the invoice:
- AWS Regions and VM types.
- Premium OS: Windows, Red Hat and Suse
Block Storage:
- RDS Instance Hours
- Elasticache Instance Hours
Translating into Google Cloud
Invoice Insights can translate to the following services on Google Cloud:
VM types: standard VMs (incl. high memory and high CPU), memory-optimized, custom (incl. extended memory), shared core (
). - Usage type: on demand, preemptible, commit 1 year, commit 3 year
- Premium OS: Windows, Red Hat and Suse
- Block storage: Standard and SSD
- Cloud SQL instances
- Memorystore instances
Feature Roadmap
The following is a list of to-do features in the roadmap:
- Local SSDs and GPUs are included in the report, but not automatically mapped to GCP yet.
- RDS Storage, Aurora Storage and RDS Snapshots. You can extract those from the Summary.
- Network egress report. You can extract that from the Summary.
- S3 storage report (operations and Gb/month). You can extract that from the Summary.
- SAP Premium OS (Red Hat and Suse)
- SQL Server instances
- Elasticache snapshots
Getting started
# Get high-level summary from an AWS invoice
npx @google-cloud/invoice-insights summary invoice.csv
# Get VM stats and GCP equivalent
npx @google-cloud/invoice-insights instances invoice.csv --format csv
# Print mappings with debug information, rounding to months, overriding a region mapping
npx @google-cloud/invoice-insights instances invoice.csv --debug --roundMonths --mapRegion eu-central-1=europe-west1
Mapping to instances on GCP
We search for a VM with the same number of CPUs and a difference in memory below the predefined memory window (10% by default). If there is no match, a custom VM will be used instead.
Shared core (t2
instances on AWS) will be mapped to f1-micro
and g1-small
on GCP when possible, or to a standard VM otherwise. Instance mappings can be overriden with --mapInstance
, and region mapping with --mapRegion
. These arguments can receive multiple values.
npx @google-cloud/invoice-insights invoice.csv --mapInstance t2.nano=n1-standard1 --mapInstance t2.micro=n1-standard2 --mapRegion eu-central-1=europe-west1
When calculating SUDs, we assume that VMs are running 730 hours per month (100% of the time) where possible. This is used to estimate the number of concurrent instances.
Exporting your invoice from AWS
If pricing details are considered sensitive information, filter out these columns when creating the invoice export from AWS:
Pull Requests are welcome! If you are planning to work on this code, this is what you need to get started.
First, install the Google Cloud SDK and jq (sudo apt install jq
). Once done, you may want to update the local information about pricing and VM types.
# Download the latest SKUs and VM sizes
# Test that the downloaded files are well-formed JSON
npx jsonlint third_party/
npx jsonlint assets/gcp-skus.json
npx jsonlint assets/gcp-vm-types.json
# Run the tests: (add --watch to keep watching)
npx mocha -r esm
To explore the SKUs manually:
# Find all SKUs for RAM and memory on Google Cloud
grep 'Ram running in' assets/gcp-skus.json | sort | uniq -u
grep 'Core running in' assets/gcp-skus.json | sort | uniq -u
# Find all SKUs for commitment 1yr
cat assets/gcp-skus.json | jq '.[] | select(.category.usageType=="Commit1Yr") | .description' | sort | uniq -u
# Find all Cloud SQL SKUs
cat assets/gcp-skus.json | jq '.[] | select(.category.serviceDisplayName=="Cloud SQL" and (.description | contains("Network") | not ) ) | .description' | sort | uniq -u
# Find all SKUs with more than one pricing tier (for example f1-micro is free the first 730 hours)
cat assets/gcp-skus.json | jq '.[] | select(.pricingInfo[].pricingExpression.tieredRates | length > 1) | .description'|sort |uniq -u