A Wrapper around usedapp, providing a context for using web3. All of usedapp is available, plus usefull utilities for:
- multicall specific chain
- request top app for network switch
- emit TXs events
Supply usedapp
config as usuall.
import { Web3Provider, Fuse } from "../contexts/Web3Context";
import { useMulticallAtChain, CallsResult } from './useMulticallAtChain'
import { Mainnet, Call } from "@usedapp/core";
<Web3Provider config={{ multicallVersion: 1, networks: [Fuse, Mainnet], readOnlyUrls: { 122: 'https://rpc.fuse.io' } }}>
<YourAPP />
Notify listeners about TX your compoent has done Listen to TXs by other components
import { Web3Context, TxDetails } from "../contexts/Web3Context";
const { txEmitter } = useContext(Web3Context)
txEmitter.emit({title: 'test tx',txhash:'0x0', from:'0x1', to:'0x2'}: TxDetails)
txEmitter.on((tx:TxDetails) = > console.log(tx))
If you are using GoodUI components, they need to be able to request a network switch.
You can supply that function by calling setSwitchNetwork(() => (chainId) => Promise<Boolean | undefined>
with your function.
Your app needs to implement the logic for network switching once your funciton is being called.
your function should return false if switch did not complete or true if switch was completed.
import { useSwitchNetowrk } from "@gooddollar/web3context";
const { switchNetwork, setSwitchNetwork } = useSwitchNetowrk()
const switchit = useCallback(async (id: number) => {
console.log("setting network:", id)
return true
setSwitchNetwork(() => switchit) //this is required, you need to pass a function that returns your functions
If you are building a component, then the component can signal the enclosing app it needs network switch by calling switchNetwork(chainId):Promise<Boolean | undefined>
Performs multicall to a specific chain using the rpc defined for that chain in usedapp config readOnlyUrls
import { ERC20Interface } from "@usedapp/core";
import { Contract } from "ethers"
import { useMulticallAtChain, CallsResult } from './useMulticallAtChain'
const callMulti = useMulticallAtChain(122)
const [results, setResults] = useState<CallsResult>()
const calls: Call[] = [
contract: new Contract("0x495d133B938596C9984d462F007B676bDc57eCEC", ERC20Interface),
method: 'balanceOf',
args: ['0x66582D24FEaD72555adaC681Cc621caCbB208324']
contract: new Contract("0x495d133B938596C9984d462F007B676bDc57eCEC", ERC20Interface),
method: 'totalSupply',
args: []
const results = await callMulti(calls)