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Creating a rewards pool

  • Copy over the script createPool and fill in your details
import { GoodCollectiveSDK, PoolLimits, PoolSettings } from '@gooddollar/goodcollective-sdk';

const wallet = ethers.getSigner();
const readProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('https://alfajores-forno.celo-testnet.org');
const chainId = 44787;
sdk = new GoodCollectiveSDK(chainId, readProvider); //contracts data by chainId is read from @gooddollar/goodcollective-contracts/releases/deployment.json
const poolSettings: PoolSettings = {
  manager: wallet.address,
  membersValidator: <members validaor contract address or zero>//ethers.constants.AddressZero,
  rewardPerEvent: [10],
  validEvents: [1],
  rewardToken:  <rewards token address>
  uniqunessValidator:  <uniqueness validaor contract address or zero>//ethers.constants.
const poolLimits: PoolLimits = {
  maxMemberPerDay: 1000,
  maxMemberPerMonth: 10000,
  maxTotalPerMonth: 100000,
const projectId = 'Detrash'; //the first pool created with a project id will also be the owner of the project id, and only their managers can open pools with same projectid
const projectAttributesIpfs = 'ipfs://<cid>'; //json file with project attributes
const pool = await sdk.createPool(wallet, projectId, projectAttributesIpfs, poolSettings, poolLimits);
// console.log(pool.address) // pool address
// console.log(await pool.settings()) // view the assigned nftType

Minting an nft

If there are not enough funds in the pool, minting will revert, there's an option to pass false to withClaim to mint without triggering the reward distribution. Later the reward can be claimed by calling claim(uint256 nftId)

const assignedType = (await pool.settings()).nftType;
const toMint = {
  nftType: assignedType,
  nftUri: 'ipfs://test' + Math.random(),
  version: 1,
  events: [
      eventUri: 'ipfs://event1',
      subtype: 1,
      contributers: [wallet.address],
      timestamp: 1000000,
      quantity: ethers.BigNumber.from(10),
const withClaim = true;
const nft = await sdk.mintNft(wallet, pool.address, recp.address, toMint, withClaim);
const tx = await nft.wait();

updating pool settings

If there are not enough funds in the pool, minting will revert, there's an option to pass false to withClaim to mint without triggering the reward distribution. Later the reward can be claimed by calling claim(uint256 nftId)

const assignedType = (await pool.settings()).nftType;
const toMint = {
  nftType: assignedType,
  nftUri: 'ipfs://test' + Math.random(),
  version: 1,
  events: [
      eventUri: 'ipfs://event1',
      subtype: 1,
      contributers: [wallet.address],
      timestamp: 1000000,
      quantity: ethers.BigNumber.from(10),
const withClaim = true;
const nft = await sdk.mintNft(wallet, pool.address, recp.address, toMint, withClaim);
const tx = await nft.wait();

Supporting a pool

   * Starts a new donation flow using Superfluid's core-sdk createFlow method.
   * @param {ethers.Signer} signer - The signer object for the transaction.
   * @param {string} poolAddress - The address of the pool contract.
   * @param {string} flowRate - The flow rate for the new flow.
   * @returns {Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>} A promise that resolves to a transaction object when the operation is complete.
  async supportFlow(signer: ethers.Signer, poolAddress: string, flowRate: string)

You can use supportFlowWithSWap to swap any token on uniswap (celo) to G$ and start a support stream.

User needs to first approve the amount he wants to swap to the pool.

   * Starts a new donation flow and executes a swap using uniswap v3 using Superfluid's core-sdk createFlow and host.callAppAction methods.
   * @param {ethers.Signer} signer - The signer object for the transaction.
   * @param {string} poolAddress - The address of the pool contract.
   * @param {string} flowRate - The flow rate for the new flow.
   * @param {SwapData} swap - The swap data object containing details of the swap.
   * @returns {Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>} A promise that resolves to a transaction object when the operation is complete.
  async supportFlowWithSwap(signer: ethers.Signer, poolAddress: string, flowRate: string, swap: SwapData)
   * Single donation using G$ ERC677
   * Transfers tokens and calls onTokenTransfer function on the pool contract. ERC677
   * @param {ethers.Signer} signer - The signer object for the transaction.
   * @param {string} poolAddress - The address of the pool contract.
   * @param {string} amount - The amount of tokens to transfer.
   * @returns {Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>} A promise that resolves to a transaction object when the operation is complete.
  async supportSingleTransferAndCall(signer: ethers.Signer, poolAddress: string, amount: string)
   * Single donation using superfluid batch call
   * Executes a batch of operations including token approval and calling a function on the pool contract.
   * @param {ethers.Signer} signer - The signer object for the transaction.
   * @param {string} poolAddress - The address of the pool contract.
   * @param {string} amount - The amount of tokens to transfer.
   * @returns {Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction>} A promise that resolves to a transaction object when the operation is complete.
  async supportSingleBatch(signer: ethers.Signer, poolAddress: string, amount: string)




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