Headers provide a consistent start to pages.
yarn add @gold.au/header
npm install @gold.au/header
import AUheader, { AUheaderBrand } from './header.js';
brandImageAlt="Digital Transformation Agency"
All props:
alt={ false } {/* An alternate variation of the component, optional */}
dark={ false } {/* A dark variation of the component, optional */}
hero={ false } {/* The hero option, optional, optional */}
title="Page title" {/* The headline content, optional */}
level="1" {/* The headline tag level, h1-h6, optional */}
subline="Subline" {/* The subline content, optional */}
brandImage="Page title" {/* The headline content, optional */}
brandImageAlt="1" {/* Brand image alt tag */}
link="/" {/* An optional link for the header brand, optional */}
linkComponent="a" {/* The component used for the link, optional */}
children {/* Anything inside */}
attributeOptions {/* Any other attribute options */}
For more details have a look at the usage example.
Dependency graph
└─ /core
The visual test: https://auds.service.gov.au/packages/header/tests/site/
Release History
- v4.1.13 - Header image should be a block element on XS and SM breakpoints (Fix based on the new grid breakpoints)
- v4.1.12 - Remove --save-dev flag from readme instructions
- v4.1.11 - Removed unused
React import - v4.1.10 - Resolve autoprefixer warning
- v4.1.9 - Fix pancake build path
- v4.1.8 - Updated deprecated
property totext-decoration-skip-ink
- v4.1.7 - Removed uikit references
- v4.1.6 - Update dependencies
- v4.1.5 - Removing web pack dev server, updating dependencies
- v4.1.4 - Removed border from header brand image on ie8, ie9 and ie10
- v4.1.3 - AUheaderBrand without a link now defaults to div
- v4.1.2 - Fixed build scripts for Windows
- v4.1.1 - Replace node-sass with sass
- v4.1.0 - React router support
- v4.0.2 - Update dependencies
- v4.0.1 - Added missing documentation
- v4.0.0 - Added placeholder for Australian Government logo and optional grid layout
- v3.0.2 - Change homepage link
- v3.0.1 - Fix dependencies
- v3.0.0 - Change to focus colour and border/muted color mix
- v2.0.0 - Moved to AU namespace, added new color themes and spacing
- v1.2.0 - Added pancake-react plugin, ES5 main file, added children
- v1.1.0 - Added react component
- v1.0.0 - Removed the side spacing #147
- v0.1.0 -
💥 Initial version
Copyright (c) Commonwealth of Australia. Licensed under MIT.