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0.4.7 • Public • Published

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GOAT (Great Onchain Agent Toolkit) is a library that adds more than +200 onchain tools to your AI agent.

  • +200 tools: DeFi (Uniswap, Jupiter, KIM, Orca, etc.), minting (OpenSea, MagicEden, etc.), betting (Polymarket, etc.), analytics (CoinGecko, BirdEye, Allora, etc.) and more
  • Chains: EVM (Base, Polygon, Mode, Sei, etc.), Solana, Aptos, Chromia, Fuel, Sui, Starknet and Zilliqa
  • Wallets: keypair, smart wallets (Crossmint, etc.), LIT, MPC (Coinbase, etc.)
  • Agent Frameworks: AI SDK, Langchain, Eliza, ZerePy, GAME, ElevenLabs, etc.

Table of Contens


  1. Install the core package
npm install @goat-sdk/core
  1. Depending on the type of wallet you want to use, install the corresponding wallet (see all wallets here):
npm install @goat-sdk/wallet-solana
  1. Install the plugins for the protocols you need (see all available plugins here)
npm install @goat-sdk/plugin-jupiter @goat-sdk/plugin-spl-tokens
  1. Install the adapter for the agent framework you want to use (see all available adapters here)
npm install @goat-sdk/adapter-ai-sdk


  1. Configure your wallet
import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

const connection = new Connection(process.env.SOLANA_RPC_URL as string);
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(base58.decode(process.env.SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY as string));
  1. Configure your tools for the framework you want to use
import { getOnChainTools } from "@goat-sdk/adapter-ai-sdk";
import { solana, sendSOL } from "@goat-sdk/wallet-solana";
import { jupiter } from "@goat-sdk/plugin-jupiter";
import { splToken } from "@goat-sdk/plugin-spl-token";

const tools = await getOnChainTools({
    wallet: solana({
    plugins: [
  1. Plug into your agent framework
const result = await generateText({
    model: openai("gpt-4o-mini"),
    tools: tools,
    maxSteps: 10,
    prompt: "Swap 10 USDC for JLP",


How to create a plugin

GOAT plugins enable your agent to interact with various blockchain protocols.

Plugins can be chain-specific (EVM, Solana, etc.) or chain-agnostic. If a plugin is chain-specific it will fail to compile when being used with a wallet of a different chain.

You can see all available plugins here.

Using the Plugin Generator

Use the create-plugin command to generate all the necessary files and configuration for a new plugin

# Create a plugin with default type (any)
pnpm create-plugin -n your-plugin-name

# Create a plugin for a specific chain type
pnpm create-plugin -n your-plugin-name -t evm  # For EVM chains
pnpm create-plugin -n your-plugin-name -t solana  # For Solana

The command will generate:

  • A package.json with standard metadata and dependencies
  • TypeScript configuration files (tsconfig.json, tsup.config.ts)
  • A basic plugin structure in the src directory:
    • parameters.ts - Example parameters using Zod schema
    • your-plugin-name.service.ts - Service class with an example tool
    • your-plugin-name.plugin.ts - Plugin class extending PluginBase
    • index.ts - Exports for your plugin

Manual Creation

1. Define your plugin extending the PluginBase class.

import { PluginBase, WalletClientBase } from "@goat-sdk/core";

// For a chain-agnostic plugin we use the WalletClientBase interface, for a chain-specific plugin we use the EVMWalletClient, SolanaWalletClient, or corresponding interfaces
export class MyPlugin extends PluginBase<WalletClientBase> {
    constructor() {
        // We define the name of the plugin
        super("myPlugin", []);

    // We define the chain support for the plugin, in this case we support all chains
    supportsChain = (chain: Chain) => true;

// We export a factory function to create a new instance of the plugin
export const myPlugin = () => new MyPlugin();

2. Add tools to the plugin

There are two ways to add tools to the plugin:

  1. Using the @Tool decorator on our own class
  2. Using the getTools and createTool functions to create tools dynamically
Option 1: Using the @Tool decorator

The @Tool decorator is a way to create tools in a more declarative way.

You can create a class and decorate its methods with the @Tool decorator to create tools.

The tool methods will receive the wallet client as the first argument and the parameters as the second argument.

import { Tool } from "@goat-sdk/core";
import { createToolParameters } from "@goat-sdk/core";
import { z } from "zod";

export class SignMessageParameters extends createToolParameters(
        message: z.string(),
) {}

class MyTools {
        name: "sign_message",
        description: "Sign a message",
    async signMessage(walletClient: WalletClientBase, parameters: SignMessageParameters) {
        const signed = await walletClient.signMessage(parameters.message);
        return signed.signedMessage;

Once we have our class we now need to import it in our plugin class.

export class MyPlugin extends PluginBase<WalletClientBase> {
    constructor() {
        // We define the name of the plugin
        super("myPlugin", [new MyTools()]);

    // We define the chain support for the plugin, in this case we support all chains
    supportsChain = (chain: Chain) => true;

// We export a factory function to create a new instance of the plugin
export const myPlugin = () => new MyPlugin();
Option 2: Using the getTools and createTool functions

We will implement the getTools method in our plugin class.

Inside the method, we will return an array of tools created using the createTool function.

import { PluginBase, WalletClientBase, createTool } from "@goat-sdk/core";

// Since we are creating a chain-agnostic plugin, we can use the WalletClientBase interface
export class MyPlugin extends PluginBase<WalletClientBase> {
    constructor() {
        // We define the name of the plugin
        super("myPlugin", []);

    // We define the chain support for the plugin, in this case we support all chains
    supportsChain = (chain: Chain) => true;

    getTools(walletClient: WalletClientBase) {
        return [
            // Create tool requires two arguments:
            // 1. The tool metadata (name, description, parameters)
            // 2. The tool method (the function that will be executed when the tool is used)
                    name: "sign_message",
                    description: "Sign a message",
                    parameters: z.object({
                        message: z.string(),
                async (parameters) => {
                    const signed = await walletClient.signMessage(parameters.message);
                    return signed.signedMessage;

// We export a factory function to create a new instance of the plugin
export const myPlugin = () => new MyPlugin();

3. Add the plugin to the agent

import { getOnChainTools } from '@goat-sdk/adapter-vercel-ai';
import { myPlugin } from './your-plugin-path/signMessagePlugin'; // Path to your plugin

const wallet = /* Initialize your wallet client */;

const tools = getOnChainTools({
    wallet: viem(wallet), // or smartwallet(wallet), solana(wallet), etc.
    plugins: [
        // ...other plugins

// Prompt: Sign the message "Sign the message 'Go out and eat grass 🐐'"

Next steps

How to add a chain

1. Add the chain to the Chain.ts file

Add your chain to the Chain.ts file in the core package.

 * @param type - "evm" or "solana", extend this union as needed (e.g., "sui")
 * @param id - Chain ID, optional for EVM
export type Chain = EvmChain | SolanaChain | AptosChain | ChromiaChain | FuelChain | MyAwesomeChain;

export type MyAwesomeChain = {
    type: "my-awesome-chain";

2. Create a new wallet provider package

Create a new package in the wallets directory with the name of your chain (e.g. my-awesome-chain) or copy an existing one (e.g. evm). In this package you will define the abstract class for your chain's wallet client which will extend the WalletClientBase class defined in the core package.

WalletClientBase only includes the methods that are supported by all chains such as:

  1. getAddress
  2. getChain
  3. signMessage
  4. balanceOf

As well as includes the getCoreTools method which returns the core tools for the chain.

export abstract class MyAwesomeChainWalletClient extends WalletClientBase {
    // Add your chain's methods here
    abstract getChain(): MyAwesomeChain;
    sendTransaction: (transaction: AwesomeChainTransaction) => Promise<Transaction>;
    read: (query: AwesomeChainQuery) => Promise<AwesomeChainResponse>;

3. Create a plugin to allow sending your native token to a wallet

Create a plugin to allow sending your native token to a wallet. Create a file in the same package as your wallet client and create a new file like send<native-token>.plugin.ts.

Implement the core plugin.

export class SendAWESOMETOKENPlugin extends PluginBase<MyAwesomeChainWalletClient> {
    constructor() {
        super("sendAWESOMETOKEN", []);

    supportsChain = (chain: Chain) => chain.type === "my-awesome-chain";

    getTools(walletClient: MyAwesomeChainWalletClient) {
        const sendTool = createTool(
                name: `send_myawesometoken`,
                description: `Send MYAWESOMETOKEN to an address.`,
                parameters: sendAWESOMETOKENParametersSchema, // Define the parameters schema
            // Implement the method
            (parameters: z.infer<typeof sendAWESOMETOKENParametersSchema>) => sendAWESOMETOKENMethod(walletClient, parameters),
        return [sendTool];

4. Implement the wallet client

Extend your abstract class with the methods you need to implement and create your first wallet client! (e.g MyAwesomeChainKeyPairWalletClient)

export class MyAwesomeChainKeyPairWalletClient extends MyAwesomeChainWalletClient {
    // Implement the methods here

// Export the wallet client with a factory function
export const myAwesomeChain = () => new MyAwesomeChainKeyPairWalletClient();

5. Submit a PR

Submit a PR to add your wallet provider to the wallets directory.

How to add a wallet provider

If you don't see your wallet provider supported, you can easily integrate it by implementing the specific WalletClient interface for the chain and type of wallet you want to support:

  1. EVMWalletClient for all EVM chains
  2. EVMSmartWalletClient for EVM smart wallets
  3. SolanaWalletClient for Solana

Checkout here how the viem client implementation.

If you would like to see your wallet provider supported, please open an issue or submit a PR.



NPM package
Core @goat-sdk/core


Wallet NPM package
EVM @goat-sdk/wallet-evm
Viem @goat-sdk/wallet-evm-viem
Solana @goat-sdk/wallet-solana
Crossmint (smart and custodial wallets) @goat-sdk/wallet-crossmint
Aptos @goat-sdk/wallet-aptos
Chromia @goat-sdk/wallet-chromia
Cosmos @goat-sdk/wallet-cosmos
Fuel @goat-sdk/wallet-fuel
Sui @goat-sdk/wallet-sui
Starknet @goat-sdk/wallet-starknet
Zilliqa @goat-sdk/wallet-zilliqa

Agent Framework Adapters

Adapter NPM package
AI SDK @goat-sdk/adapter-ai-sdk
Langchain @goat-sdk/adapter-langchain
ElevenLabs @goat-sdk/adapter-elevenlabs
LlamaIndex @goat-sdk/adapter-llamaindex
Model Context Protocol @goat-sdk/adapter-model-context-protocol

*Eliza, ZerePy and GAME have direct integrations on their respective repos.


Plugin Tools NPM package
0x Get quotes and swap on 0x @goat-sdk/plugin-0x
1inch Get the balances of a wallet using 1inch API @goat-sdk/plugin-1inch
Allora Get price predictions using Allora API @goat-sdk/plugin-allora
Avnu Swap tokens on Starknet @goat-sdk/plugin-avnu
Balancer Swap tokens and provide liquidity on Balancer @goat-sdk/plugin-balancer
Balmy Swap tokens on Balmy @goat-sdk/plugin-balmy
BirdEye Get token insights using BirdEye API @goat-sdk/plugin-birdeye
CoinGecko Get coin information using CoinGecko API @goat-sdk/plugin-coingecko
Coinmarketcap Get coin information using Coinmarketcap API @goat-sdk/plugin-coinmarketcap
Cosmosbank Interact with Cosmos tokens @goat-sdk/plugin-cosmosbank
Crossmint Headless Checkout Purchase any NFT on any chain using Crossmint @goat-sdk/plugin-crossmint-headless-checkout
Crossmint Mint, Faucet, Wallets Create a wallet, mint tokens and get test tokens on any chain using Crossmint @goat-sdk/plugin-crossmint-mint-faucet-wallets
DeBridge Bridge tokens on DeBridge @goat-sdk/plugin-debridge
Dexscreener Get token information using Dexscreener API @goat-sdk/plugin-dexscreener
ERC20 Interact with any ERC20 token @goat-sdk/plugin-erc20
ERC721 Interact with any ERC721 token @goat-sdk/plugin-erc721
Etherscan Get transaction information using Etherscan API @goat-sdk/plugin-etherscan
Farcaster Read and post casts on Farcaster @goat-sdk/plugin-farcaster
Ionic Borrow and lend on Ionic @goat-sdk/plugin-ionic
Ironclad Create positions on Ironclad @goat-sdk/plugin-ironclad
JSON RPC Call any JSON RPC endpoint @goat-sdk/plugin-json-rpc
Jupiter Swap tokens on Jupiter @goat-sdk/plugin-jupiter
KIM Swap tokens on KIM @goat-sdk/plugin-kim
Lulo Deposit USDC on Lulo @goat-sdk/plugin-lulo
Meteora Create liquidity pools on Meteora @goat-sdk/plugin-meteora
Mode Governance Create a governance proposal on Mode @goat-sdk/plugin-mode-governance
Mode Voting Vote on a governance proposal on Mode @goat-sdk/plugin-mode-voting
Mode Spray Spray tokens on Mode @goat-sdk/plugin-mode-spray
Nansen Get Nansen information using Nansen API @goat-sdk/plugin-nansen
OpenSea Get nft and sales information using OpenSea API @goat-sdk/plugin-opensea
Orca Create positions on Orca @goat-sdk/plugin-orca
Polymarket Bet on Polymarket @goat-sdk/plugin-polymarket
Pump.fun Launch a token on Pump.fun @goat-sdk/plugin-pump-fun
Renzo Create a position on Renzo @goat-sdk/plugin-renzo
Rugcheck Check SPL token validity on Rugcheck @goat-sdk/plugin-rugcheck
SNS Interact with SNS @goat-sdk/plugin-sns
Solana Magic Eden Purchase NFTs on Magic Eden @goat-sdk/plugin-solana-magiceden
Solana NFTs Get NFT information using Solana NFTs API @goat-sdk/plugin-solana-nfts
SPL Tokens Interact with SPL tokens @goat-sdk/plugin-spl-tokens
Starknet Token Interact with Starknet tokens @goat-sdk/plugin-starknet-token
Superfluid Create streams with Superfluid @goat-sdk/plugin-superfluid
Tensor Purchase tokens on Tensor @goat-sdk/plugin-tensor
Uniswap Swap tokens on Uniswap @goat-sdk/plugin-uniswap
Velodrome Create a position on Velodrome @goat-sdk/plugin-velodrome
Worldstore Purchase physical assets on Worldstore @goat-sdk/plugin-worldstore
ZeroDev Global Address Create a global address on ZeroDev @goat-sdk/plugin-zero-dev-global-address
Zilliqa Interact with Zilliqa @goat-sdk/plugin-zilliqa



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npm i @goat-sdk/core



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