
1.1.13 • Public • Published


Role Name Email Slack
Product Owner Ryan Borker borker@gigster.com [@borker]
Maintainer Jerome Curlier jerome@gigster.com [@jerome]
Contributor Casey Barbello casey@gigster.com [@casey]
Contributor Mark Miyashita mark.miyashita@gigster.com [@mark]


This module provides authentication and authorization for Loopback.

The module is a wrapper around the Loopback Passport component. Please therefore review this component documentation to learn about this module.

The module provides integration between LoopBack and Passport to support third-party login and account linking for LoopBack applications.


See also the Github for the component and the sample application, aw well the Loopback documentation.


  - name: loopback-authentication
    location: >-
      generateTests: true
      webEnabled: true
      defaultDatasource: fileDs
      defaultEmailDatasource: email
      emailVerificationRequired: false
      emailSender: no-reply@example.com
      verifyEmailSubject: Thanks for Registering
      resetEmailSubject: Password Reset
        local: {}
          clientID: FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID
          clientSecret: FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET


Name Status
generateTests Whether the module should generate a test suite for authentication
webEnabled Whether the sample web interface is enabled on the Loopback application
defaultDatasource Default datasource to be used by the model when no datasource is defined for them
defaultEmailDatasource Default email datasource
emailVerificationRequired Wether the email verification is required
emailSender The email address of the sender for the email reset and verification
verifyEmailSubject The email subject for the email verification
resetEmailSubject The email subject for the password reset
providers The configuration of the oauth providers - any value provide will replace the default value provided by providers.json - see the documentation Configuring providers from Loopback

Note: Any value for the provider will be interpreted as an environment variable name.


The module enable all the endpoints related to the security operations:

Endpoint Method Description
POST /users/login login Login a user with username/email and password
POST /users/logout logout Logout a user with access token
POST /users/change-password changePassword Change a user's password
POST /users/reset resetPassword Reset password for a user with email.
POST /users/reset-password setPassword Reset user's password via a password-reset token
GET /users/confirm confirm Confirm a user registration with identity verification token
POST /users/{id}/verify prototype.verify Trigger user's identity verification with configured verifyOptions


The loopback-authentication depends on the loopback-models module.

The following npm packages are added/updated by the module:

npm version
body-parser ^1.18.2
connect-ensure-login ^0.1.1
cookie-parser ^1.4.3
express-flash 0.0.2
express-session ^1.7.6
jade ^1.7.0
loopback ^3.15.0
loopback-boot ^2.26.2
loopback-component-explorer ^5.2.0
loopback-component-passport ^2.3.0
passport ^0.2.2
passport-facebook ^1.0.3
passport-google-oauth ^0.1.5
passport-ldapauth ^0.4.0
passport-local ^1.0.0
passport-oauth2 ^1.4.0
passport-twitter ^1.0.4
serve-favicon ^2.4.5
strong-error-handler ^2.3.0

All the Loopback packages are updated to the latest version to contain the security fixes.


There are two email templates for user verification and password reset. These are customizeable EJS files (verify.ejs and reset.ejs) located in /api/template. They are used by verify.js and reset.js located in /api/models/user. You may send custom fields to your EJS files by adding them to options in verify.js and ejs.render() in reset.js.


Module tests are defined using a test/scenarios.yaml file. This file defines the set of example gigs that we generate as part of integration testing. To run all tests, run yarn test at the root of this module.

Each scenario is generated in test/scenario/<name> which you can then cd into and run the actual app. For a scenario called default, this is done via:

cd test/scenario/default
yarn install

# Run tests.
yarn test

# Start the app.
yarn start



The module ntributes the following models to the project.

Model Description
accessToken Token based authentication and access control
role A group of principals with the same permissions
roleMapping Assign principals to roles
userIdentity The UserIdentity model keeps track of third-party login profiles. Each user identity is uniquely identified by provider and externalId. The UserIdentity model has a belongsTo relation to the User model.
userCredential UserCredential has the same set of properties as UserIdentity. It’s used to store the credentials from a third party authentication/authorization provider to represent the permissions and authorizations of a user in the third-party system.


The authentication.js generated in the boot folder enables authentication for the Loopback authentication.


The following configuration are added to the Loopback config.json:

  • emailSender
  • verifyEmailSubject
  • resetEmailSubject
  • webEnabled
  • emailVerificationRequired


Facebook auhtentication

  1. Configure gig.yaml to setup Facebook authentication
  - name: loopback-authentication
    location: >-
      generateTests: true
      webEnabled: true
      defaultDatasource: fileDs
      defaultEmailDatasource: email
      emailVerificationRequired: false
      emailSender: no-reply@example.com
      verifyEmailSubject: Thanks for Registering
      resetEmailSubject: Password Reset
        local: {}
          clientID: FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID
          clientSecret: FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET
  1. Create an application on Facebook
  • Navigate to Facebook App Management
  • Add a new application, for example gdt-test
  • Select to set up the Facebook Login product
  • Select web for the authentication
  • Enter http://localhost:3000 for the site URL

We are done with the Facebook application tutorial to add an application and set up a product.

  • Under Products > Facebook Login > Settings, set the valid OAuth redirect URIs to http://localhost:3000 and save changes
  • Under dashboard, you shoud now have your App ID and App Secret, they map to FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID and FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables respectively.

Now we can generate nd then test the api

  • Generate the project
  • In the api folder, install the application and then start it passing the emvironment variables, something like DEBUG=gdt:loopback:authentication FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID=******* FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET=******* npm start
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook and accept to link the application

You should get a json containing the access token. You can now use the access token to connect to the API endpoint using its value in an Authorization header.


DEBUG=gdt:loopback:authentication npm start




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npm i @gigster/module-loopback-authentication

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