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Typesafe wrapper for worker threads

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worker-agent is a TypeScript wrapper designed to simplify interactions with worker threads in NodeJS.

Actually, it implements a fairly common Erlang/Elixir pattern: the sophisticated messaging protocol is hidden behind a variety of abstraction layers - each with different trade-off between simplicity and performance - while still ensuring strongly typed interfaces.


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The public API entirely resides in the root package index, so you shouldn't reference specific modules.


  1. Create a module - an operation module, in worker-agent's parlance - that:

    • can import names from any other module or package

    • should only export your operation - that is, a single function; in TypeScript, the function must be exported via export = myFunction

    The operation function should be:

    • with an arbitrary name

    • with at most one parameter - of arbitrary name and type

    • returning an arbitrary type, including a Promise

    • throwing errors when needed: neither errors nor rejected promises can crash the underlying worker

    For example, to declare a synchronous function:

    function add40(value: number): number {
      return value + 40;
    export = add40;

    and to declare an asynchronous function:

    import { someAsyncFunction } from "some-package";
    async function specialSum(value: number): Promise<number> {
      const temp = await someAsyncFunction(value);
      return temp + value + 100;
    export = specialSum;
  2. Create a new instance of WorkerAgent<TInput, TOutput> or the more expressive PromiseAgent<TInput, TOutput>, passing the path to the operation module: this will start a new worker thread, driven by the agent.


    • TInput should be the type of the parameter expected by the operation

    • TOutput should be the operation's return type - or the type T wrapped by its Promise<T>

    For example:

    import { join } from "node:path";
    const agent = new PromiseAgent<number, number>(join(__dirname, "my-sum"));

Choosing the right agent type

The actual choice depends on a compromise between simplicity and performance:

  • PromiseAgent is particularly expressive, because of its Promise-based interface

  • WorkerAgent is hyper-minimalist, but it is also more complicated to use

Using PromiseAgent

PromiseAgent is incredibly user-friendly. Just call:

  • its runOperation() method, to obtain a Promise that will either resolve or reject as soon as the worker thread has finished processing the given input

  • its requestExit() method, returning a Promise that will resolve to the worker's exit code.

    Please, note: don't forget to call requestExit() as soon as you have finished using the agent; furthermore, the warning about dangling asynchronous operations - discussed below - applies to this agent, as well.

Using WorkerAgent

WorkerAgent is the original agent implementation - and the more sophisticated as well. In particular, once you have an instance of the agent, you'll need to:

  1. Subscribe to events; to register an event listener, you can call either .on(...) or .once(...) - as usual in NodeJS.

    The available events are:

    • result: the most important event - the one actually returning output values and errors from the operation function called by the worker thread.

      The expected listener is a standard error-first callback - a (err: Error | null, output: TOutput | null) => void function.

      For example:

      agent.on("result", (err, output) => {
        if (err) {
          //Process the error
        //Process the output

      Please, note: the error passed to this callback, when non-null, has a peculiarity: its message is the serialization string - in the form ErrorClass("Message") - of the error that occurred within the worker thread

    • error: sent whenever an non-operational, more serious error occurs within the worker thread - for example, because it couldn't find the operation module. It expects a (error: Error) => void callback.

      Please note: errors thrown by the operation do not trigger error events - instead, they are passed to the error-first callback of the result event

    • exit: sent by the worker thread upon termination, even after an error event. It takes a (exitCode: number) => void callback

  2. Start sending input data - by calling runOperation(input: TInput): every call will send a message to the worker thread queue - passing the given input, ready to be processed by the operation exported by the operation module.

    For example:


    It is a void method - because results - both output values and errors - will be returned later, via the result event.

    You can send multiple operation requests: they are enqueued by the worker thread, ready to be processed one at a time.

  3. Finally, don't forget to call requestExit() to send an exit message to the worker thread's queue.

    Please, note: calling requestExit() enqueues a termination message that will be evaluated as soon as all the previously-enqueued synchronous operations have completed; however, for performance reasons, no check is performed on asynchronous operations - so they will probably remain unfulfilled! Consequently, it is up to you, in your client code, to ensure that all the async operations have settled before calling requestExit().

    A possible solution to the above issue may consist in a counter that is incremented when calling runOperation() and decremented within the result event callback.

Further reference

For additional examples, please consult the test suites in the source code repository.

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  • giancosta86