This package is the console interface of gen.codes metaprogramming framework.
- Use publicly available code generators
- Create code generators
$ npm i -g @gen-codes/cli
Generate a module's file
$ gen run -t @gen-codes/react/componentDoc.js
Choose the location where the generated file will be saved. Then fill in the form with the required data.
Generate based on a module schema model
$ gen run -m @gen-codes/react/component
This will bring a dialog to choose the location where associated files will be saved. After that input the required data.
Generate using a project filetree.
# from local filetree
$ gen run -f ./gen.filetree.json
# or from a published project module
$ gen run -f @gen-codes/mern-app
Embed it on a project
Navigate to your project root folder you want to bootstrap with gen.codes and run:
$ gen init .
This will open a form that will guide you through the configuration.
The folders .gen/templates
, .gen/templates/.partials
and .gen/schema
will be created. The schema
folder contains the data structure, restrictions and automations.
The templates
folder contains files with template code dependent on schema models and custom inputs.
Install generators
You can install generators from repo.gen.codes
# locally if initialized
$ gen install @gen-codes/react @digigov/material-ui
# globally
$ gen install -g @gen-codes/react @digigov/material-ui
You can also search and install
$ gen search
This will bring up the search and install interface
Generate based on a known <generator_name>
gen run <generator_name>
if the generator doesn't exist locally it will try to fetch it from gen-codes store.
To choose from installed generators run:
gen run
Creating generators
Module dependencies
gen install <module_name>
Javascript dependencies
gen npm install <dependency_name>
File Templates
Any file you create in the templates
folder is a file template.
You can specify information and the required arguments in the head of the file using
this syntax:
name: element
description: Create a react component with material-ui
- ref: Element
Partial Templates
Create a folder template/.partials
and add the code you want to reuse.
You can call a partial from a file template using this syntax:
{> partial-name arg1=data1 arg2=data2}
Extension Templates
You must specify a hook in the original template file using this syntax:
{>= extend-config}
and then on the plugin or connector create the folder template/.extensions
. In this folder create a file with name extend-config
add the code which extends the original template file.
Filetree Templates
export default {
_variables: {
mainClientFile: "client/main.js",
mainServerFile: "server/server.js",
webpackServerConfig: "webpack.config.server.js",
webpackClientConfig: "webpack.config.client.js"
server: {
models: {
"{{model.name in app.models[]}}.model.js": {
_template: "mongooseSchema"
helpers: {
"{{helper.name in app.helpers}}.js":{
_template: "javascript/function"
routes: {
"{{model.name in app.models[]}}.routes.js": {
_template: "routes",
_context: {
routes: "model.routes",
prefix: "model.name"
"devBundle.js": {
_template: "devBundle",
_context: {
webpackClientConfig: "var(webpackClientConfig)"
"server.js": {
_template: "server.js"
".babelrc": {
_template: "babelrc",
"nodemon.json": {
_template: "nodemon",
_context: {
webpackServerConfig: "var(webpackServerConfig)"
"var(webpackClientConfig)": {
_template: "config.client",
_context: {
mainFile: "var(mainClientFile)"
"webpack.config.client.production.js": {
_template: "config.client.production",
_context: {
mainFile: "var(mainClientFile)"
"var(webpackServerConfig)": {
_template: "config.server",
_context: {
mainFile: "var(mainServerFile)"
Template helpers
Create a template helper function in the helpers
You can't export default. Only named exports is allowed.
export function helperName(arg1,arg2){
// do something with args
return something
Custom Syntax
You can add a custom template syntax by specifying a regex transformation.
Create a .transformations.js
file and export an array with objects like this:
regex: /{{for (.*?) in (.*?)}}/g,
expression: `{{#each $2 "$2.$1" as |$1|}}`,
closingRegex: /{{\/for}}/g,
closingExpression: `{{/each}}`
The expression must be a handlebars expression.
Extending and combining generators
To combine a generator create a connector.
Data rules
You can run custom transformations after the code has been generated.
For example you mhy want to run a linter or a beautifier.
Create the folder hooks
and the file index.js
where you export
the order in which the hooks will run. The create files named after
the the hooks before. From there export a default function that takes as input the code and returns the transformed code or throws an error.
You can loop a filtered array using the syntax that json-query
npm package uses.
{{for model in models[type='Account']}}
const {{model.name}} = new Account()
You can use normal javascript in if statements like below:
{{if model.type === 'Account' && model.name.startsWith('admin')}}
//{{model.name}} is an admin account