This package has been deprecated

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this package has been deprecated, install @frontkom/gutenberg-js


0.2.3 • Public • Published

Gutenberg by Front

We made Gutenberg editor a little more customizable!

Gutenberg editor can be easly included in your apps with this package. Also you can customize blocks menu panels, blocks categories, document panels and more!

This package is based on Gutenberg v3.1.1.

Table of contents


Gutenberg by Frontkom is available through npm.

npm install @frontkom/gutenberg

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Some of the Gutenberg features depend of the TinyMCE text editor and Gutenberg editor expects to find tinymce plugins, themes and skins on the project root. Assuming that you added tinymce to your node_modules, we suggest to use webpack and CopyWebpackPlugin to handle with that.

// webpack.config.js
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require( 'copy-webpack-plugin' );

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new CopyWebpackPlugin( [
            { from: 'node_modules/tinymce/plugins', to: `${ your_root_path }/plugins` },
            { from: 'node_modules/tinymce/themes', to: `${ your_root_path }/themes` },
            { from: 'node_modules/tinymce/skins', to: `${ your_root_path }/skins` },
        ], {} ),

Global variables

Gutenberg depends on several global variables: wp, userSettings, wpEditorL10n, wpApiSettings, etc and probably during your Gutenberg experiencie you will discover other required variables, please share with us if you feel they are important to Gutenberg execution.

Here we're only presenting those variables which - by our experience - we belive are crucial to Gutenberg and already set to them default values. If you don't set them up, you'll see that Gutenberg editor won't run.

So we recommend you to set up them all in one file called globals.js or settings.js for example and import them before Gutenberg call. Feel free to override Gutenberg global variables if you need.

// globals.js

window.wp = {
    url: { addQueryArgs },

window.userSettings = {
    uid: 2, // Among other things, this uid is used to identify and store editor user preferences in localStorage

// set your root path
window.wpApiSettings = { 
    root: 'YOUR_ROOT_PATH',

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We are working to include on Gutenberg by Frontkom all settings that shouldn't be part of your apps, but you always can override them if you need.


Those two are very important for comunication between the editor and remaining app, so you should set them up accordingly your needs.

apiRequest is the method that will handle with data operations on Gutenberg, like getting resources (categories for example), saving page changes or deleting pages, etc. It receives an object with path, method, data, etc, so you can treat it as you want.

function apiRequest( options ) {
    // Do something with those options like calling an API 
    // or actions from your store...

Next, we will show some commons API requests Gutenberg does and the respective response it expects. For more information, you can check the WordPress REST API Documentation.

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Post Types

The Gutenberg editor will ask for available Post Types through /wp/v2/types/?context=edit request. In addition to the type properties that can be checked in WordPress documentation, Gutenberg by Frontkom provides the following:

    supports: {
        'media-library': false,    // to disable Media library from WordPress

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Posts and Pages

Check the WordPress API documentation for Posts and Pages requests.

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Check the WordPress API documentation for Categories.

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Gutenberg will ask for the theme features through the index request (/). The response should be the following object.

    theme_supports: {
        formats: [ 'standard', 'aside', 'image', 'video', 'quote', 'link', 'gallery', 'audio' ],
        'post-thumbnails': true,

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Here is the WordPress API documentation for Media. The Gutenberg by Frontkom introduces the data property which is an object with all data attributes you want to add to image/media DOM element.

    id: 1527069591355,    
    link: MEDIA_LINK_HERE,
    source_url: MEDIA_URL_HERE,
    // Additionaly, you can add some data attributes for images for example
    data: { entity_type: 'file', entity_uuid: 'e94e9d8d-4cf4-43c1-b95e-1527069591355' }

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url should has a function called addQueryArgs( url, args ) that handles with url and args and returns the final url to different actions. The original implementation is the following, feel free to keep it or change it according to your needs.

 * External dependencies
import { parse, format } from 'url';
import { parse as parseQueryString, stringify } from 'querystring';

 * Appends arguments to the query string of the url
 * @param  {String} url   URL
 * @param  {Object} args  Query Args
 * @return {String}       Updated URL
export function addQueryArgs( url, args ) {
    const parsedURL = parse( url, true );
    const query = { ...parsedURL.query, ...args };

    return format( { ...parsedURL, query } );

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We've tried to make it easy to import Gutenberg by Frontkom modules to your apps.

// Importing global variables that Gutenberg requires
import './globals'; 

// Importing editPost module
import { editPost } from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

// Don't forget to import the style
import '@frontkom/gutenberg/build/css/core-blocks/style.css';
import '@frontkom/gutenberg/build/css/style.css';
import '@frontkom/gutenberg/build/css/core-blocks/edit-blocks.css';
import '@frontkom/gutenberg/build/css/core-blocks/theme.css';

// DOM element id where editor will be displayed
const target = 'editor';

// Post properties
const postType = 'post'; // or 'page'
const postId = 123;

// Some editor settings
const settings = { 
    alignWide: true,
    availableTemplates: [],
    allowedBlockTypes: true, 
    disableCustomColors: false, 
    disablePostFormats: false,
    titlePlaceholder: "Add title",
    bodyPlaceholder: "Write your story",
    isRTL: false,
    autosaveInterval: 10,
    // @frontkom/gutenberg settings
    canAutosave: false, // to disable Editor Autosave featured (default: true)
    canPublish: false,  // to disable Editor Publish featured (default: true)
    canSave: false,     // to disable Editor Save featured (default: true)

// Post properties to override
const overridePost = {};

// Et voilá... Initializing the editor!
editPost.initializeEditor( target, postType, postId, settings, overridePost );

Note: Gutenberg requires utf-8 encoding, so don't forget to add <meta charset="utf-8"> tag to your html <head>.

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Gutenberg Stores

Additionally, after initializing the editor, you can have access to Gutenberg stores (core, core/blocks, core/data, core/edit-post, core/editor, core/viewport) through the data module and its select and dispatch methods:

// Importing select and dispatch methods from @frontkom/gutenberg package
import { data } from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

// Use dispatch to change the state of something
data.dispatch( 'core/edit-post' ).openGeneralSidebar( 'edit-post/block' );
data.dispatch( 'core/edit-post' ).closeGeneralSidebar();

// Use select to get the state of something 'core/editor' ).getEditedPostContent();
// <!-- wp:paragraph -->
// <p>Hello</p>
// <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

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Registering Custom Blocks

You can create your custom blocks using the registerBlockType method from blocks module. Check out the example below and the Wordpress documentation to read more about it.

import { blocks, editor } from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

const {    
} = editor;

blocks.registerBlockType( 'custom/my-block', {
    title: 'My first block',
    icon: 'universal-access-alt',
    category: 'common',
    attributes: {
        content: {
            type: 'array',
            source: 'children',
            selector: 'p',
        alignment: {
            type: 'string',
    edit( { attributes, className, setAttributes } ) {
        const { content, alignment } = attributes;

        function onChangeContent( newContent ) {
            setAttributes( { content: newContent } );

        function onChangeAlignment( newAlignment ) {
            setAttributes( { alignment: newAlignment } );

        return [
                    value={ alignment }
                    onChange={ onChangeAlignment }
                className={ className }
                style={ { textAlign: alignment } }
                onChange={ onChangeContent }
                value={ content }
    save( { attributes, className } ) {
        const { content, alignment } = attributes;

        return (
                className={ className }
                style={ { textAlign: alignment } }
                value={ content }
} );

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Inserter Menu (blocks)

You can customize the panels which are displayed on the editor Add block popup. By default, Gutenberg displays suggested and shared panels but you can hide them:

import { data, blocks } from '@frontkom/gutenberg';


// Hidding 'shared' and 'suggested' panels
data.dispatch( 'core/blocks' ).hideInserterMenuPanel( SHARED_PANEL );
data.dispatch( 'core/blocks' ).hideInserterMenuPanel( SUGGESTED_PANEL );

Also, you can manage blocks categories using getCategories selector and setCategories action:

import { reject } from 'lodash';
import { data } from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

// Removing 'widgets' category 'core/blocks' ).getCategories();

const categories = reject( select( 'core/blocks' ).getCategories(), { slug: 'widgets' } )

data.dispatch( 'core/blocks' ).setCategories( categories );

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Customize your Gutenberg

Following the same logic, we've created the customGutenberg global object where you can set eveything that we made customizable on Gutenberg.

window.customGutenberg = { ... };

As the other global variables, customGutenberg should be defined before Gutenberg import.

Important to say that Gutenberg works perfectly without the settings of this object :)

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Gutenberg by Frontkom makes possible to define callbacks (or effects) for Gutenberg actions. Since it is an experimental feature, we are only providing this for 'OPEN_GENERAL_SIDEBAR', 'CLOSE_GENERAL_SIDEBAR' and 'REMOVE_BLOCKS' actions.

window.customGutenberg = {
    events: {
        'OPEN_GENERAL_SIDEBAR': function( action, store ) {
            console.log( 'OPEN_GENERAL_SIDEBAR', action, store );
        'CLOSE_GENERAL_SIDEBAR': function( action, store ) {
            console.log( 'CLOSE_GENERAL_SIDEBAR', action, store );
        'REMOVE_BLOCKS': function( action, store ) {
            console.log( 'REMOVE_BLOCKS', action, store );

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StoryPage Module

import { storypage } from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

console.log( 'blocks', storypage.blocks );
console.log( 'components', storypage.components );

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Post block

The Post Block is another kind of blocks created by Gutenberg by Frontkom which is composed by a cover image and a title.

import {
} from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

const postBlock =;

blocks.registerBlockType(, postBlock.settings );

We are trying to provide new types of blocks: auto posts and hand-picked posts which are experimental for now. Theose blocks are dynamic and the render must be implemented server-side.

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Row block

Rows work like columns but they could be slipt in spots with different widths.

import {
} from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

const rowBlock = storypage.blocks.row;

blocks.registerBlockType(, rowBlock.settings );

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Section block

Section is a row with just one column. You can add blocks inside and add classes to style that section.

import {
} from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

const sectionBlock = storypage.blocks.section;

blocks.registerBlockType(, sectionBlock.settings );

After register the block and initialize the editor, you can set Section as default block:

import {
} from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

data.dispatch( 'core/blocks' ).setDefaultBlockName( );

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PostsPanel component

The Posts Panel contains a list of posts which could be filtered by category and/or searched be name. Posts can be added to your page as (Post block)[#post-block] by drag and drop.

import {
} from '@frontkom/gutenberg';

const { PluginDocumentSidebarPanel } = editPost;
const { PostsPanel } = storypage.components;

const MyPluginDocumentSidebarPanel = () => (
        title={ 'My Stories' }
        initialOpen={ true }
        <PostsPanel />              

plugins.registerPlugin( 'plugin-document-sidebar', {
    render: MyPluginDocumentSidebarPanel,
} );

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