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0.1.2 • Public • Published


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A Javascript client for the Friendly Captcha service. This client allows for easy integration and verification of captcha responses with the Friendly Captcha API.

This library is for Friendly Captcha v2 only. If you are looking for V1, look here

This is the library you use in your backend code. For the code that you use in your frontend, see @friendlycaptcha/sdk.


Install using NPM

npm install @friendlycaptcha/server-sdk


Below are some basic examples of how to use the client.

For a more detailed example, take a look at the example directory.


import { FriendlyCaptchaClient } from "@friendlycaptcha/server-sdk";

const frcClient = new FriendlyCaptchaClient({
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
  sitekey: "YOUR_SITEKEY",

Verifying a Captcha Response

After calling verifyCaptchaResponse with the captcha response there are two functions on the result object that you should check:

  • wasAbleToVerify() indicates whether we were able to verify the captcha response. This will be false in case there was an issue with the network/our service or if there was a mistake in the configuration.
  • shouldAccept() indicates whether the captcha response was correct. If the client is running in non-strict mode (default) and wasAbleToVerify() returned false, this will be true.

Below are some examples of this behaviour.

Verifying a correct captcha response without issues when veryfing:

const result = await frcClient.verifyCaptchaResponse("CORRECT_CAPTCHA_RESPONSE_HERE");
console.log(result.wasAbleToVerify()); // true
console.log(result.shouldAccept()); // true

Verifying an incorrect captcha response without issues when veryfing:

const result = await frcClient.verifyCaptchaResponse("INCORRECT_CAPTCHA_RESPONSE_HERE");
console.log(result.wasAbleToVerify()); // true
console.log(result.shouldAccept()); // false

Verifying an incorrect captcha response with issues (network issues or bad configuration) when veryfing in non-strict mode (default):

const result = await frcClient.verifyCaptchaResponse("INCORRECT_CAPTCHA_RESPONSE_HERE");
console.log(result.wasAbleToVerify()); // false
console.log(result.shouldAccept()); // true

Verifying an incorrect captcha response with issues (network/service issues or bad configuration) when veryfing in strict mode:

const frcClient = new FriendlyCaptchaClient({
  strict: true,

const result = await frcClient.verifyCaptchaResponse("INCORRECT_CAPTCHA_RESPONSE_HERE");
console.log(result.wasAbleToVerify()); // false
console.log(result.shouldAccept()); // false



The client offers several configuration options:

  • apiKey: Your Friendly Captcha API key.
  • sitekey: Your Friendly Captcha sitekey.
  • strict: (Optional) In case the client was not able to verify the captcha response at all (for example if there is a network failure or a mistake in configuration), by default verifyCaptchaResponse returns true regardless. By passing strict: true, it will return false instead: every response needs to be strictly verified.
  • siteverifyEndpoint: (Optional) The endpoint URL for the site verification API. Shorthands eu or global are also accepted. Default is global.
  • fetch: (Optional) The fetch implementation to use. Defaults to globalThis.fetch.


Install dependencies

npm install

Run the tests

First run the SDK Test server, then run npm test.

docker run -p 1090:1090 friendlycaptcha/sdk-testserver:latest

npm test

Build for production

npm run build:dist


Open source under MIT.




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npm i @friendlycaptcha/server-sdk

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  • friendlycaptcha