Contains CLI utilities for working with HAR files.
npm install @fresha/har-extract
This command parses HAR files and extracts structure of JSON:API requests and responses. The output is written in tree-like form to specified file.
npx fresha-har-extract file1.har file2.har ... -o structure.json
Output data is structured as a 2-level map:
"www.example.com": {
"/path1": [
"url": {
"host": "www.example.com",
"pathname": "/path1",
"searchParams": [
"request": null,
"response": {
// high-level representation of JSON:API response document
// we're mostly interested in resource types here, because
// exact response structure is defined by resources themselves
"data": "resource-type",
"included": [
"path2": [
// entries for /path2
"another.example.com": {
// map of entries for this host
In the future, this command will be extended to support plain JSON payloads, as well as host/path filtering.