This package allows you to register and resolve endpoints. Endpoints can be internal, for example to allow named routing in react-router, or create a lookup table for any API endpoints your application may consume. It's merely a lookup table tailored towards endpoints.
npm i --save @frankdejonge/endpoints
var Endpoints = require('@frankdejonge/endpoints');
var endpoints = new Endpoints('http://api.example.org');
// Simple declaration
endpoints.get('/articles', 'articles.index');
console.log(endpoints.path('article.index')); // http://api.example.org/articles
// Available method by http verb
endpoints.get(pattern, name);
endpoints.post(pattern, name);
endpoints.put(pattern, name);
endpoints.patch(pattern, name);
endpoints.delete(pattern, name);
endpoints.options(pattern, name);
endpoints.head(pattern, name);
// Nested declaration via a callback.
endpoints.get('/writers', 'writer.index', function () {
endpoints.post('/', 'writer.create');
endpoint.get('/:writerId', 'writer.details', function () {
endpoints.get('/publications', 'writer.publications');
endpoints.delete('/:writerId', 'writer.delete');
// Resolving endpoint paths with parameters
console.log(endpoints.path('writers.publications', {writerId: 2}));
// http://api.example.org/writers/2/publications
Nesting can also be done through the endpoints.nest
method which doesn't register an
endpoint for the group.
endpoints.nest('prefix', function () {
// Register endpoints here.
Endpoint blueprints.
endpoints.get('/article/:id', 'article.details');
var blueprint = endpoints.blueprint('article.details');
var httpMethod = blueprint.method;
var pattern = blueprint.pattern;
Resolving endpoints.
Apart from blueprints you can resolve
an endpoint to get the blueprint with
the generated path.
endpoints.get('/article/:id', 'article.details');
var articleEndpoint = endpoints.resolve('article.details');
var httpMethod = articleEndpoint.method;
var pattern = articleEndpoint.pattern;
var path = articleEndpoint.path;