This package contains the Flystorage bindings for multer.
This allows multer to upload to any of the supported Flystorage filesystems.
Install all the required packages
npm install --save @flystorage/file-storage @flystorage/multer-storage
import {FileStorage} from '@flystorage/file-storage';
import {FlystorageMulterStorageEngine} from '@flystorage/multer-storage';
import multer from 'multer';
const adapter = createYourAdapter();
const fileStorage = new FileStorage(adapter);
const storage = new FlystorageMulterStorageEngine(
async (action, _req: express.Request, file: Express.Multer.File) => {
if (action === 'handle') {
return file.originalname;
} else {
return file.destination;
const uploader = multer({storage});