
24.4.1-2-g7361085 • Public • Published


Flussonic WebRTC Player is a JavaScript library for publishing and playing video via WebRTC. It relies on Flussonic backend, HTML5 video and WebRTC.

Install it in your project and use in your website or application to exchange video via WebRTC with Flussonic.

The library contains classes:

  • Publisher for video publication from your app to Flussonic Media Server.
  • Player for playback of published video in your app.


Install flussonic-webrtc-player from NPM by running the command:

npm install --save @flussonic/flussonic-webrtc-player


To run embed version of player in development mode, you must build it first:

yarn build:flussonic

and then run it in dev mode:

yarn start:embed


Used to stream video via WebRTC from a client app to other clients through Flussonic.


With webpack

import {
} from '@flussonic/flussonic-webrtc-player';
// ...
const publisher = new Publisher(url, opts, shouldLog);

With script tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../dist/index.js"></script>
  // ...
  const publisher = Publisher(url, opts, shouldLog);


url - a stream's URL.

opts - a plain object, it can include:

  • preview?: HTMLMediaElement - if passed, then shows preview before the stream is loaded. This is an element in which you can output a published stream without creating a separate player listening to the same stream.

  • previewOptions?: object - preview options object.

  • previewOptions?.autoplay? - if true, the playback of the preview will start automatically.

  • previewOptions?.controls? - if true, the preview will have controls.

  • previewOptions?.muted? - if true, the preview will be muted.

  • inputStreams - now you can send your MediaStreamTracks directly to publisher and publish them

  • constraints - MediaStreamConstraints.

  • shouldLog - if passed, internal events will be logged to console (true|false).

  • returnCapabilities() - callback for getting video device capabilities.

  • password - pass a stream password.

  • authTokenName - set a custom password token name

  • tokenValue - set a token value

  • maxBitrate - sets the maxBitrate iceCandidate option in the publisher.

  • onEvent() - Publisher events callback. For tracking connection states and player workflow. Events are listed below:

    • { type: 'started', started_at: #Date# } - runs when the streaming is started.
    • { type: 'closed', closed_at: #Date# } - runs when the streaming is closed.
    • {type: 'connection state', connection: 'connected' } - runs when connection state changes. States are listed below:
      • opened - when connection is opened
      • connected - when ICE candidates is connected
      • closed - when user performed connection close
      • disconnected - when server side closed ICE candidates connection
  • canvasCallback - callback function than enables both canvas preview and canvas publish. Returns a canvas html element that you can modify in realtime to add some video effects to publishing video stream.

  • radeonCheck - Enable workaround for the issue when some AMD Radeon(tm) publish with a low bitrate. This is experimental option, will be redesigned.


  • status - the status of a current publisher, possible values are 'initializing'|'streaming'|'stopped'.


  • start(opts) - starts publication and sets the current publisher's status to streaming.
start(opts?: {
  openPeerConnectionOptions?: {
    getMediaOptions?: {
      // Called if mediaDevices.getUserMedia fails
      onGetUserMediaError: (error: Error) => void
}) => void
  • shareScreen() - allows the user to activate screen casting after publishing has started. To stop screen sharing you got to call this method again.

  • stop() - stops stream's tracks; sets the current publisher status to stopped.

  • restart() - restarts the publishing process.

  • on(event, cb) - subscribes for event with the callback cb. Events are listed below:

    • STREAMING - runs when an ICE candidate is received and the streaming is started.
  • mute() - mutes the published audio track.


import {
} from '@flussonic/flussonic-webrtc-player';
const publisher = new Publisher(
  // The URL to a Flussonic stream that has a published source
    // A <video> or <audio> element for previewing a published stream
    preview: document.getElementById('preview'),
    previewOptions: {
      autoplay: true,
      controls: true,
      muted: false,
    constraints: {
      video: {
        width: { min: 320, ideal: 1920, max: 4096 },
        height: { min: 240, ideal: 1080, max: 2160 },
      audio: true,
  // Log to console the Publisher's internal debug messages?
publisher.on(PUBLISHER_EVENTS.STREAMING, () => {
  console.log('Streaming started');
// ...


Used for playing back video from Flussonic via WebRTC on a client.


With webpack

import { Player, PLAYER_EVENTS } from '@flussonic/flussonic-webrtc-player';
// ...
const player = new Player(element, url, opts, shouldLog);

With script tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../dist/index.js"></script>
  const { Player, PLAYER_EVENTS } = window.FlussonicWebRTCPlayer;
  // ...
  const player = new Player(element, url, opts, shouldLog);


element - a <video> DOM element used for viewing a stream.

url - the stream's URL.

opts - a plain object, it can include options:

  • autoplay - starts playback automatically (true|false).

  • shouldLog - if passed, internal events will be logged to console (true|false).

  • onMediaInfo(tracks, abr) - returns MediaInfo object with tracks information, and ABR(Adaptive Bitrate Streaming) indication flag

  • onTrackInfo(trackInfo) - returns a track info on track change, useful for ABR mode info

  • onEvent() - Player events callback.

  • authTokenName - set a custom password token name

  • tokenValue - set a token value

  • start_track - initiates the playback track (v1a1 | auto).

  • videoDisabled - disables the video transceiver.

  • audioDisabled - disables the audio transceiver.


  • play() - starts the playback.

  • changeTracks(['v1','a1']) - manualy change tracks. Can be [] or 'auto', if source has ABR. Tracklist and abr flag can be achieved by using onMediaInfo callback.

  • stop() - stops the playback, sets srcObject of <video> to null.

  • destroy() - calls stop() and unbinds all listeners.

  • on(event, cb) - subscribes for event with the callback cb. Events are listed below:

    • FAIL - when an error occurs, runs with the message that describes this error.
    • PLAY - runs when playback starts.
    • DEBUG - for development puproses.
  • getMediaInfo() - retrieves media information about the stream.


import { Player, PLAYER_EVENTS } from '@flussonic/flussonic-webrtc-player';
const player = new Player(
  // A <video> or <audio> element to playback the stream from Flussonic
  // The URL of the stream from Flussonic
  // Options
  { autoplay: true },
  // Log to console the Player's internal debug messages?
player.on(PLAYER_EVENTS.PLAY, (msg) => console.log(`Play: ${msg}`));
player.on(PLAYER_EVENTS.DEBUG, (msg) => console.log(`Debug: ${msg}`));
// ...
// ...

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  • maxlapshin
  • yuritsin
  • atak3n
  • katienazarova
  • chaika