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2.0.0 • Public • Published


Flexilte is a powerful Svelte framework that transforms JSON into flex-based pages. It supports any frontend UI framework and custom components, allowing for dynamic page creation and easy integration with AI-generated layouts.

DEMO https://flexilte.github.io/

(Yes this entire website is Flexilte json generated)


  • JSON-driven layout generation
  • Support for custom components and any frontend UI framework
  • AI-powered page generation
  • Drag-and-drop editor
  • Flexible and responsive designs


Install Flexilte:

npm install @flexilte/core

If you use skeleton, Flexilte comes with wrappers:

npm install @flexilte/core @flexilte/skeleton

Basic Usage

<script lang="ts">
	import { Flexilte } from '@flexilte/core';
	export const components = {
	const layoutConfig: LayoutConfig<typeof components> = {
		rows: [
				cols: {
					component: 'Avatar',
					props: {
						src: 'https://placedog.net/512/512',
						width: 'w-32',
						rounded: 'rounded-full'

<Flexilte layoutConfig={$docStore} {components}></Flexilte>

Layout Config Model

Layout config is a recursive tree.

interface LayoutConfig<C extends Record<string, ComponentType>> {
	id?: string; // will be added to the element
	width?: string; // tailwind class for the width (w-1/6)
	component?: keyof C & string; // component name
	props?: Record<string, unknown>; // component props
	nodeClass?: string; // classes apply to cols/rows/elements
	wrapperClass?: string; // create and wrap element with a wrapper, this is a short hand for components that doesn't like flex box
	layoutClass?: string; // classes apply to cols/rows
	cols?: LayoutConfig<C>[]; // array of itself
	rows?: LayoutConfig<C>[]; // array of itself
	posX?: 'left' | 'right' | 'middle'; // we solved css! choose how to position your element horizontally
	posY?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'middle'; // we solved css! choose how to position your element vertically
	alignHeight?: boolean; // if true then all element in the same row/col will align at the bottom
	wrap?: 'wrap' | 'nowrap'; // choose if element wrap around flex way
	gap?: string; // tailwind class for the gap (gap-4)

Package Sidebar


npm i @flexilte/core

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  • borgmon