The @flatfile/plugin-export-pivot-table
plugin generates pivot tables from sheet data and saves them as Markdown documents within the Flatfile ecosystem. It provides a powerful way to analyze and summarize data directly within your Flatfile workbooks.
Event Type:
listener.on('job:ready', { job: 'workbook:generatePivotTable' })
When embedding Flatfile, this plugin should be deployed in a server-side listener. Learn more
The column to use as the pivot in the generated pivot table.
The column to aggregate in the pivot table.
The method to use for aggregating the data in the pivot table.
An optional column to group by in the pivot table.
npm i @flatfile/plugin-export-pivot-table
import { pivotTablePlugin } from "@flatfile/plugin-export-pivot-table";
pivotColumn: 'Region',
aggregateColumn: 'Sales',
aggregationMethod: 'sum',
groupByColumn: 'Category'
import { pivotTablePlugin } from "@flatfile/plugin-export-pivot-table";
export default function (listener) {
pivotColumn: 'Region',
aggregateColumn: 'Sales',
aggregationMethod: 'sum',
groupByColumn: 'Category'
// rest of listener.js
The pivot table plugin performs the following steps:
- Listens for the 'job:ready' event with the 'workbook:generatePivotTable' job type.
- Retrieves the sheet data from the specified workbook.
- Generates a pivot table based on the provided configuration:
- Uses the specified pivot column
- Aggregates data from the aggregate column
- Applies the chosen aggregation method (sum, average, count, min, or max)
- Groups by the optional group-by column if provided
- Calculates totals for each pivot value
- Converts the resulting pivot table to a formatted Markdown table.
- Creates a new document in the Flatfile space containing the Markdown pivot table.
- Marks the job as complete with a success message, or failed if an error occurs.
This plugin enhances your Flatfile experience by providing powerful data analysis capabilities directly within your data import workflow.
The plugin generates a Markdown-formatted pivot table. Here's an example of what the output might look like:
# Pivot Table
- Pivot Column: Region
- Aggregate Column: Sales Amount
- Aggregation Method: sum
- Group By Column: Category
| Region | Electronics | Furniture | Total |
| North | 1750.00 | 480.00 | 2230.00 |
| South | 1820.00 | 280.00 | 2100.00 |
| East | 2050.00 | 460.00 | 2510.00 |
| West | 1320.00 | 200.00 | 1520.00 |
The table includes both grouped data (if a group-by column is provided) and totals for each pivot value. Values are formatted to two decimal places for readability.