simple image minification for brunch
This is a super simple plug-and-play plugin that minifies your images with imagemin.
$ npm install --save-dev imagemin-brunch
$ brunch build --production
18:06:47 - info: compiled 6 files into 2 files, copied 14 in 2.3 sec
18:06:53 - info: minified 9 images to save 334 kB in 5.3 sec
Built-in minification
This plugin automatically minifies the following extensions, with no configuration required:
The actual minification process is performed by the following imagemin plugins:
Make sure you're in production mode
Minifying images takes forever, so I made this plugin an optimizer. By default, this plugin will run whenever brunch is in production mode. Any of these commands should work to minify your images:
$ brunch b -p
$ brunch build -p
$ brunch b --production
$ brunch build --production
If you are using the default skeleton, npm run build
should also work.
plugins.imagemin = {
plugins: {
'imagemin-gifsicle': true,
'imagemin-jpegtran': true,
'imagemin-optipng': true,
'imagemin-svgo': true
pattern: /\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jif|jfif|jfi|png|svg|svgz)$/
To enable a new imagemin plugin, create a new key-value pair where the object key is the name of your plugin and give it a truthy value. If you would like to pass options into the plugin, provide an object as your pair's value.
If you want to disable a plugin, add it to this object with a falsy value.
This is a regular expression pattern used to figure out which files should be passed through to imagemin.