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0.0.5 • Public • Published


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Fireblocks PSBT SDK

This package is in an alpha stage and should be used at your own risk.
The provided interfaces might go through backwards-incompatibale changes.
For a more stable library (without explicit PSBT support) you can use the Fireblocks Typescript SDK

The Fireblocks PSBT SDK makes it easy to sign PSBTs (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions) using Fireblocks.


  • Sign all inputs of a PSBT
  • Sign specific inputs of a PSBT
  • ECDSA signatures

Taproot (Schnorr) signatures are on the roadmap and will be supported in a future release.


To install the Fireblocks PSBT SDK, run the following command:

npm install @fireblocks/psbt-sdk


You can choose between:

  1. Signing a PSBT with PsbtSigner
  2. Using FireblocksSigner with bitcoinjs-lib

Additionally you have two options for passing the Fireblocks SDK configuration parameters:

  1. As environment variables (see .env.example)
  2. As a configuration object with apiKey and secretKey properties passed to the create method under the fireblocks property


import { PsbtSigner } from "@fireblocks/psbt-sdk";

const psbtSigner: PsbtSigner = PsbtSigner.create({
  assetId: "BTC",
  vaultId: "0",

// Sign a PSBT in base64 format
const signedPsbtBase64 = await psbtSigner.signBase64("cHNid...AAA==");

// Sign a PSBT in hex format
const signedPsbtHex = await psbtSigner.signHex("70736...70000");

// Sign a bitcoin.Psbt object
const signedPsbt = await psbtSigner.signPsbt(bitcoin.Psbt.fromBase64("cHNid...AAA=="));


import { FireblocksSigner } from "@fireblocks/psbt-sdk";
import * as bitcoin from "bitcoinjs-lib";

const psbt = bitcoin.Psbt.fromBase64("cHNid...AAA==");

const fireblocksSigner: FireblocksSigner = await FireblocksSigner.create({
  assetId: "BTC",
  vaultId: "0",
  addressIndex: 0,
  note: `Signing PSBT: ${psbt.toBase64()}`, // Optional note to add to the transaction

// Sign the first input
await psbt.signInputAsync(0, fireblocksSigner);

// Or sign all inputs
await psbt.signAllInputsAsync(fireblocksSigner);

console.log("Signed PSBT:", psbt.toBase64());

console.log("Signed transaction:", psbt.extractTransaction().toHex());

Optional Parameters

Both PsbtSigner.create and FireblocksSigner.create accept the following optional parameters:

  • note: A note to add to the Fireblocks transaction.

PsbtSigner.create accepts the following optional parameters:

  • batch: Whether to batch the signatures into a single transaction. Defaults to true. When set to false, each signature is sent to Fireblocks as a separate transaction.
    When set to true, if a PSBT requires multiple signatures (for example, a PSBT with multiple inputs that need to be signed), all the signatures are sent to Fireblocks as a single batched raw signing transaction.
  • limit: The maximum number of addresses to retrieve from the Fireblocks vault, ordered in descending order by their balance. Defaults to 10.
  • addressIndexes: The vault's BIP44 address indexes to use for signing. If not provided, the top limit addresses in terms of balance will be used.

Co-Signer Verification

For programmatic verification of PSBT signature requests in your co-signer callback, if you either:

  • Use PsbtSigner
  • Or include the base64-encoded PSBT in the FireblocksSigner's note parameter

The PSBT will be available for your co-signer callback under: extraParameters.rawMessageData.psbt



To run the tests, execute the following command:

npm test

Make sure to copy .env.example to .env and fill in the Fireblocks API key and secret before running the tests. Your workspace is expected to have a BTC or BTC_TEST vault with a non-zero balance.

In addition, if you'd like to have the debug logs printed out to the console, make sure to set the DEBUG environment variable:


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


The Fireblocks PSBT SDK is licensed under the MIT License.



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