This is the core of the HeartBit functionality. It exposes the APIs that are crucial for implementing HeartBit functionalities.
You can install the package using either npm
or yarn
npm install --save @fileverse/heartbit-core
// or
yarn add @fileverse/heartbit-core
import { HeartBitCore } from "@fileverse/heartbit-core";
The SDK utilizes coreOption
to configure the network for user interactions.
const coreSDK = new HeartBitCore({
chain: "0xaa36a7",
This minimal example demonstrates how to use HeartBitCore
for minting and querying data.
async function main() {
const message = "Hello World!";
const signature = "0x...signed message";
const startTime = 1706898250;
const endTime = 1706898251;
const hash = "ipfs://somecid"; // unique identifier for token. eg ipfs://somecid
// Mint HeartBit
await coreSDK.mintHeartBit({
// Get TotalSupply for a hash
const totalSupply = await coreSDK.getTotalHeartBitCountByHash({ hash });
// Get Total Mints By User
const account = "0x...ethaddress";
const mintsByUser = await coreSDK.getHeartBitByUser({
Here is a link to a working example using HeartBitCore
This minimal example demonstrates how to use HeartBitCore
for minting heartbit without signature.
async function main() {
const startTime = 1706898250;
const endTime = 1706898251;
const hash = "ipfs://cid"; // unique identifier for token. eg ipfs://somecid
const apiKey = "hello";
const account = "0x...ethaddress";
// Mint HeartBit
await coreSDK.unSignedMintHeartBit({
// Get TotalSupply for a hash
const totalSupply = await coreSDK.getTotalHeartBitCountByHash({ hash });
// Get Total Mints By User
const mintsByUser = await coreSDK.getHeartBitByUser({
type SupportedChain = "0xaa36a7" | "0x2105" | "0x64";
interface HeartBitCoreOptions {
chain: SupportedChain;
rpcUrl?: string;
interface TotalHeartBitCountArgs {
hash: string; // unique identifier for token. eg ipfs://somecid
interface HeartBitCountByUserArgs {
hash: string; // unique identifier for token. eg ipfs://somecid
account: string; // ethereum wallet address
interface MintHeartBitArgs {
message: string;
signature: string;
startTime: number; // in seconds
endTime: number; // in seconds
hash: string; // unique identifier for token. eg ipfs://somecid
interface UnSignedMintArgs {
startTime: number;
endTime: number;
hash: string; // unique identifier for token. eg ipfs://somecid
account: string; // target wallet address to which heartbits should be minted
apiKey: string; // Api Key
Checkout HeartBit React which uses the HeartBitCore
to integrate HeartBit functionality in a react app.