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0.0.8 • Public • Published

C Preprocessor

C Preprocessor is a preprocessor created with Node.js only and running like a C preprocessor with # directives.
It was originally designed for Javascript but you can use it with any language you want.
See changelog here.


For local installation, run the following command:

npm install c-preprocessor --save

For global installation, run the following command:

npm install -g c-preprocessor

Compile a file/text

In command line

If you have installed this package in global, you can run c-preprocessor and pass your main file and output file in arguments.

c-preprocessor mainFile.js outputFile.js

Additionally you can specify a configuration file (see below for it's format):

c-preprocessor --config configFile.js mainFile.js outputFile.js

With require()

var compiler = require("c-preprocessor");

// To compile a file
compiler.compileFile(fileName, [ options, ] function(err, result) {

	if (err)
		return console.log(err);


// To compile a text
compiler.compile(code, [ options, ] function(err, result) {
	// ...

// Or use Compiler class
var c = new compiler.Compiler([options]);
c.on('success', /* ... */)
c.on('error', /* ... */)

// or

Customize options

This are the defaults options. You can modify them by passing an option object.

var options = {
	// Predefined constants (ex: { "MY_CONST": "42" })
	constants: {},

	// Predefined macros (ex: { "MACRO": "(a,b) a+b" })
	macros: {},

	// End of line character
	newLine: '\n',

	// Escape '//#' & '/*#' comments (see extra/comments)
	commentEscape: true,
	// Empty lines to add between code and included files
	includeSpaces: 0,
	// Limit of empty following lines (0 = no limit)
	emptyLinesLimit: 0,

	// Base path for including files
	basePath: './',

	// Stop the compiler when an error ocurred ?
	stopOnError: true,

	// Must constants in #enum directive be in hexadecimal ?
	enumInHex: true


Like a C preprocessor

#include "file.js"

Include and parse a file.

// Define a constant
#define MY_CONST 42

// Define a macro
#define SUM(a,b) a + b

Create a constant or a macro.

#undef MY_CONST

Delete a constant or a macro.

#if A + B == 5 && defined(MY_CONST)
  // Do stuff
#elif "MY_CONST2" == "House"
  // Do other stuff
  // Do other stuff

#ifndef MY_CONST3
  // Do stuff

C like conditions.
#if condition is evaluated in JS so you must add " between string constants.
Note: #ifdef C and #ifndef C are faster than #if defined(C) and #if !defined(C).

Pragma once
#pragma once

Include the current file once.

#error This is an error

Stop the compiler and log the message given after the directive.


Compiler constants
__TIME__ // Current time
__DATE__ // Current date
__LINE__ // Current line (where this constant is used).
__FILE__ // Current file (where this constant is used).

This constants are predefined by the compiler.

//# One line comment


Multi-lines comment


This comments will be deleted in the compiled file.
Note: options.commentEscape must be true.

// Here A=0, ..., D=3
  A, B, C, D

// With options, so Car=5, .., Truck=25
#enum start=5, step=10
  Car, Bike, Truck

C like enumeration.
You can use this directive for creating a lot of constants.

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  • feng3d