This library is part of the feathers-micro library.
Check the repository for a working example.
# create a feathers application
npm create feathers@latest my-serverless-component
# install the library in your project
yarn add @feathers-micro/serverless
Update your app.ts and declarations.ts
// ./src/app.ts
import { feathers } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import configuration from '@feathersjs/configuration'
import { serverless } from '@feathers-micro/serverless'
import type { Application } from './declarations'
// configure your serverless handler
const app: Application = serverless(feathers(),
// add your middlewares
// these are not feathers middlewares, they receive the context from the serverless function
async (ctx, params) => {
console.log('TodoComponentLog: ', {
sessionId: ctx.event.headers['Session-Id']
// ./src/declarations.ts
import { Application as ServerlessApplication } from '@feathers-micro/serverless'
// The application instance type that will be used everywhere else
export type Application = ServerlessApplication<ServiceTypes, Configuration>
Install serveless in yor application
yarn add -D serverless serverless-offline
The serverless-offline
library is used to run your application on your local environment, to know more check the documentation.
Create a serverless.yml in the root of your application
You can configure your application in 2 different ways, having a endpoint for each feathers method or with just one endpoint and passing the parameters needed in the payload.
You can find an example on how to configure it in the example apps:
- todo-component: Multiple endpoints
- user-component: Single endpoint
Payload example for the single endpoint configuration:
const payload = {
query: {}, // feathers query
method: 'create', // feathers method
service: 'todo', // feathers service
data: {}, // body data
id: 2 // feathers id (for 'get', 'patch', 'update' and 'delete')
Create new scripts on to your package.json
The bellow scripts are using npm-run-all to execute multiple scripts at once or you can just use the sls-offline
script directly and run the tsc build manually.
"scripts": {
"sls-offline": "sls offline",
"watch": "tsc --watch",
"dev": "run-p watch sls-offline",