TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.7 • Public • Published


This package allows a simple connection between MessageChannel-based channels such as WebWorker, IFrame...

View source code at: https://github.com/fcanvas/fcanvas

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With MessageChannel

// listen run function 
import { listen } from "@fcanvas/communicate"

const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel()

listen(port1, "hello world", (name: string) => {
  console.log(`run: hello world '${name}'`)

  return "run done"

// call function
import { put } from "@fcanvas/communicate"
console.log(await put(port2, "hello world", "Shin")) // "run done"

With WebWorker


import { listen } from "@fcanvas/communicate"

listen(self, "hello world", (name: string) => {
  console.log(`run: hello world '${name}'`)

  return "run done"


import Worker from "./worker?worker"
import { put } from "@fcanvas/communicate"

const worker = new Worker()

console.log(await put(worker, "hello world", "Shin")) // "run done"

2-way use

You can use both ways set listen to Worker or Threat


import { listen } from "@fcanvas/communicate"

listen(self, "hello world", async (name: string) => {
  console.log(`run: hello world '${name}'`)
  console.log("input: ", await put(self, "get input"))
  return "run done"


import Worker from "./worker?worker"
import { put } from "@fcanvas/communicate"

const worker = new Worker()
listen(worker, "get input", () => {
  return document.querySelector("#input").value

console.log(await put(worker, "hello world", "Shin")) // "run done"


@fcanvas/communicate provides 3 methods that can be used anywhere


This function to listen and process calls from put and pit - like is server

function listen(
  port: LikeMessagePort, // current port to listen and process. Example `self` in `worker`
  name: string, // the name of the listen
  cb: Function, // its handler function takes a sequence of `arguments` passed from `put` or `pit` and returns a result either a `config` or a `promise`
  options?: {
    once?: boolean // if this option is enabled the listener will self-destruct after being called once by `put` or `pit`
): StopListen/** @type () => void */
Name Type Description
port LikeMessagePort Current port to listen and process. Example self in worker
name string The name of the listen
cb Function Its handler function takes a sequence of arguments passed from put or pit and returns a result either a config or a Promise
options { once?: boolean } if once: true is enabled the listener will self-destruct after being called once by put or pit

cb normally returns primitive values ​​but if it returns a value that needs transfer like Offscreen or ArrayBuffer return an Options

interface Options {
  return: any // your value return
  transfer?: Transferable[] // value transfer
  targetOrigin?: string // This option is only available if communicating with `IFrame`
listen(self, "get buffer", async () => {
  const buffer = new Uint8Array([1, 0xf, 0x3]).buffer
  return {
    return: buffer,
    transfer: [buffer]

listen returns a noop ​​function that, when called, cancels listening


This function sends a request to listen and returns a promise that is the result of cb of listen - like is client

function put<Fn extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
  port: LikeMessagePort, // current port to listen and process. Example `self` in `worker`
  name: string, // name of call
  ...args: Parameters<Fn>
): Promise<ReturnType<Fn>>

function put<Fn extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
  port: LikeMessagePort, // current port to listen and process. Example `self` in `worker`
  options: {
    name: string // name of call
    timeout?: number // timeout
    signal?: AbortSignal, // controller
    transfer?: Transferable[], // value transfer
    targetOrigin?: string  // This option is only available if communicating with `IFrame`
  ...args: Parameters<Fn>
): Promise<ReturnType<Fn>>
Name Type Description
port LikeMessagePort Current port to listen and process. Example self in worker
name string name of call
options.name string is like name
options.timeout number? timeout listen returns a result. if timeout without response will generate error Error('timeout')
options.signal AbortSignal? if canceled the function will generate an error Error('aborted')
options.transfer Transferable[]? values ​​to transfer
options.targetOrigin string? This option is only available if communicating with IFrame
...args any[] values ​​to send to listen

put returns the value that cb of listen returns

pit (as ping)

This is a shortened function of put that takes no response. it also doesn't care if the call has been sent to listen or not

The options of this function are identical to put except that it does not accept options.timeout, option.signal and returns nothing.


This function waits for a call from ping or put

await wait(port1, "ready", 60_000)


await put(port2, "ready") // after promise resolve console.log("Done") start run


This plugin also supports TypeScript strong and weak type inference

Weak inference with function:

interface FnHello {
  (name: string): string

listen<FnHello>(self, "hello", (name /** @type string */) => {
  return 'done' /** @type string */

put<FnHello>(self, "hello", "Shin") // ✔ ok
put<FnHello>(self, "hello", 0) // ❗ error

Strong inference with Record:

interface Connect {
  hello(name: string): void

listen<Connect>("self", "hello", () => {}) // ✔ ok
listen<Connect>("self", "hellx", () => {}) // ❗ error

put<Connect>(self, "hello", "Shin") // ✔ ok
put<Connect>(self, "hello", 0) // ❗ error
put<Connect>(self, "hello") // ❗ error
put<Connect>(self, "hellx", "Shin") // ❗ error

Since some limited features of typescript cause mixed types to be incorrect, I have added a new syntax i.e. put, ping and listen functions will return a function call after calling the function that will be the real result

await put<{
  getValue(): string
  getNumber(): number
  setValue(val: string): void
  setNumber(val: number): void
}>(self)("getValue") // string

await put<{
  getValue(): string
  getNumber(): number
  setValue(val: string): void
  setNumber(val: number): void
}>(self)("setValue", "Hello world") // only accept string
  getValue(): string
  getNumber(): number
  setValue(val: string): void
  setNumber(val: number): void
}>(self)("getValue", () => {
  return "hello" // accept string

  getValue(): string
  getNumber(): number
  setValue(val: string): void
  setNumber(val: number): void
}>(self)("setValue", value => {
  // value is string


MIT - (c) 2022-now Tachibana Shin (橘しん)

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