TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.22.0 • Public • Published


This package is a collection of the system icons from the Equinor Design System as javascript objects.


npm install @equinor/eds-icons 

If you use Typescript, make sure you have typescript >= 3.8 as a devDependency:

npm install typescript --save-dev


Import svg data:

import { save } from "@equinor/eds-icons"


We have developed a react component to simplify use of the EDS icons library within react.

import { Icon } from '@equinor/eds-core-react'
import { save } from '@equinor/eds-icons'

// Use library approach 
Icon.add({ save }) // (this needs only be done once)
<Icon name="save" />

// OR 

// Use directly via data prop:
<Icon data={save} />

Other web frameworks

You can render the EDS icons using plain svg.

⚠️ Due to how Figma parses and exports svg icons the following attributes must be added to your <path> element; fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd".

These are not included to reduce bundle size as they are needed for every icon.

import { save } from '@equinor/eds-icons'

<svg viewBox={`0 0 ${save.width} ${save.height}`}>
  <path d={save.svgPathData} fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd">

Icon names

Use EDS Assets in Figma(Equinor Figma account needed🔒) or our icon preview in Storybook for icon names. Spaces in icon names are replaced with underscores.

star-filled -> star_filled.

Example of icon data

  name: 'star_filled',
  prefix: 'eds',
  height: '24',
  width: '24',
  svgPathData: 'M12 16.067l4.947 3.6-1.894-5.814L20 10.334h-6.067l-1.933-6-1.933 6H4l4.947 3.52-1.894 5.814 4.947-3.6z',


  • If you are using NodeJS 13+ for module loading, it now has native ES modules support. Add "type":"module" to your apps package.json to enable this.

  • If you get a syntax error trying to import ES module, try importing the CJS module as not all loaders have support for ES modules yet


The EDS system icons are built on a copy of the Outlined Material Design icons provided open-source by Google. The icons have been customised and renamed for Equinor’s use.

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npm i @equinor/eds-icons

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  • oddvernes