Multipack GraphQl executor api server. Part of multipack monorepo
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Install: npm i -D @episclera/multipack-executor-api
And then we can start the executor GraphQl api server from CLI
NOTE: a path (preferable "Absolute") to the workspace root dir is required to be provided which the executor will use to work with (run commands, inspect, detect dependencies graph etc.).
If used as in the docs with 'multipack-cli open' comman then the path to the workspace root dir is provided by the multipack-cli because it can detect it because has acces dirrect to the main process and can detect the root cwd because the "multipack-cli open" command can be run only in the workspace root dir.
If a relative path will be provided the it will be joined with the path where the executor package is located (Basically this feature is needed only by Multipack contributors for development|testing purposes).
Production mode
multipack-executor-api start --path-to-workspace-root-dir /preferable-absolute/path/to/workspace/root/dir/to/work/with
Development mode
multipack-executor-api watch --path-to-workspace-root-dir /preferable-absolute/path/to/workspace/root/dir/to/work/with
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- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
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@episclera/multipack © Episclera, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Episclera with help from contributors (list).