Aleo utilities in JavaScript
Aleo high-level utilities in javascript to handle Accounts and Node connections in the browser.
Makes use of Aleo-SDK under the hood.
This package provides the following structures to work with:
If you'd like to read more about Aleo accounts, private keys, etc., you may refer to Aleo's docs
Happy hacking!
Getting Started
- To build the project, go to the project's root and execute
npm run build
. - To start the development server, execute
cd dev_site && npx webpack build
to run webpack, and thennpm run dev
You can now connect to localhost:4000
and start using Aleo.JS functionalities!
For example, you could try the following in the browser console:
>> const {Account, NodeConnection} = await AleoJS
>> let account = new Account()
// Get the account's address
>> account.address().to_string()
>> let connection = new NodeConnection("http://localhost:4130") // Or your node's IP or domain
// Associate the account to the new NodeConnection
>> connection.setAccount(account)
// Get all the ciphertexts for the setted account
>> connection.getAllCiphertexts()
// Get and log all the unspent ciphertexts for the setted account
>> connection.getUnspentCiphertexts().then( (cyphers) => console.log(cyphers))
// Get, decrypt and log all the unspent ciphertexts for the setted account
>> connection.getUnspentCiphertexts().then( (cyphers) => console.log(account.decryptRecord(cyphers[0]).to_string()))
// Get the node's latest block height
>> connection.getLatestHeight()
// Get a transaction by its id
>> connection.getTransaction("at1handz9xjrqeynjrr0xay4pcsgtnczdksz3e584vfsgaz0dh0lyxq43a4wj")
// Get a block by its number
>> connection.getBlock(1)
Extra Aleo Tools
Aleo SDK repo (Entropy1729 fork)
You can visit the SnarkVM repo and SnarkOS repo to go deep into the code of aleo infrastructure