
6.6.8 • Public • Published


This is the api manager used in the entando projects.

Installation instructions

run npm i @entando/apimanager

Inside your main reducer add the api and currentUser reducers:

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { api, currentUser } from '@entando/apimanager';

export default combineReducers({

The resulting state will be:

  api: {
    useMocks: true,
    domain: '',
    updated: false,
  currentUser: {
    username: null,
    token: null,

Create an ApiProvider component instance to configure and initialize your application with apiManager:

import { ApiProvider } from '@entando/apimanager';
import { store } from 'state/store';

const MyApp = () => (
    <App goes="here" />


Component that accepts any children and renders it, but most importantly, it will execute config(), setApi(), and optionally executes plugins array apiManagerConfig methods if provided the correct props. Here are the existing props of ApiProvider:

store - your redux store object

domain - Domain URL of your Entando instance

useMocks - use mock objects for debugging purposes

onLogin - a function to invoke if login succeeds

onLogout - a function to invoke if logout succeeds

plugins (optional) - array of plugins that you are integrating throughout your app with the process of executing every plugin's config method (specifically named apiManagerConfig) using your given store, onLogin and onLogout props

config(store, loginPage, landingPage)

The config() method expect a redux store as the first parameter. The store should contain both the api and currentUser reducers.

loginPage is the callback used to redirect the user to the login page when the logoutUser() action is being used.

landingPage is the callback used to redirect the user to the landing page when the loginUser() action is being used.

setApi({domain: '', useMocks: true})

setApi() is used to switch the use of mocks on or off. useMocks can only be set to false if a domain is being passed.

domain has to be a valid domain main, which can omit the protocol. It is possible to add up to one directory, but the domain should not have trailing slashes.

The wasUpdated selector will return a boolean to indicate whether or not the setApi action was successful.

Login and Logout

This two actions have to be used when logging and logging out a user. apiManager automatically handles token management and stores it also on the localStorage to persist the user information when the browser page is refreshed.

On top of that if any request returns either 401 or 403 status codes the package will logout the user and redirect him to the login page with the parameter status which gives out information of the erroneus request.

loginUser(username, token)

loginUser expects both the username and the token that should be used for requests that require authentication.

This method stores also these credentials in the localStorage and redirects the user to the landing page previously setup when using apiManager's config() method.

This will also execute your given onLogin function (from config initialization) which, when coming from erroneus request, passes status object that has useful information including statusCode, request and response objects, and current url of the viewed page (pathname) for after-login redirection purpose.


logoutUser clears the user credentials both from the state and localStorage and then redirects the user to the login page previously setup when using apiManager's config() method.

Afterwards, this will execute onLogout function (from config initialization) which gives out an object containing redirectUri (if existing in your GET url parameters) and pathname (current url of the viewed page).

API Requests

Api requests are being done using any of the apiManager available methods:

  • makeRequest automatically checks the current configuration and either makes a real or mock request depending on the value of the api.useMocks state. This should be the method always being used.
  • makeRealRequest makes the request always againsts the API
  • makeMockRequest makes the request always against the mock. This method should only be used when the corresponding API has not been developed yet.

Each method accepts the same arguments: a request object and a page object.

the apiManager also exports a METHODS constant containing all the available verbs (POST, PUT, DELETE, GET and PATCH).

Request Object

The request object has the following properties:

  uri: '/api/myApi',
  domain: 'https://mysite.com',
  method: METHODS.POST,
  mockResponse: BODY_OK,
  contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  headers: {
    'Other-Stuff': 'my-stuff',
  body: {
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'admin',
  errors: () => getErrors(username, password),
  useAuthentication: true,
  useCredentials: true

The useCredentials property is used to explicity set the client to respect Set-Cookie header on the response or to use the Cookie header on the request object. Default value is false.


is the relative uri of the API. The apiManager will append this to the api.domain set in the api state. query strings shoud be part of the uri.


overrides the api.domain value set in the api state.


only values contained in the @entando/apiManager METHODS constant are valid.


the string used when a mock request is being made. This body should only return the content of the expected payload. If an array is being returned the responseFactory will automatically generate a paginated response based on the page object.

contentType [optional]

the default value is application/json but it can be overwritten.

headers [optional]

additional headers sent with the request.

body [optional]

this object is only being submitted as part of the request if it is either a POST or a PUT.

errors [optional]

this callback is returning an array of error messages. When a mock request is being made this callback is being called and an error will be returned if this function returns anything but an empty array.

useAuthentication [optional]

if the value of this property is set as true the apiManager will append the token to the request headers.

If no token can be found on the system an automatic redirect will be fired and a promise containing only an ok and status property will be returned.

Page Object

the page object is only used when pagination is needed and only has two parameters:

  page: 1,
  pageSize: 10,


the current page requested.


the maximum number of items that each page should contain.


apimanager automatically checks if the returned response is not a 500, is of content-type json and that the token is not expired.

If any of these happen the library will add a toast using the @entando/messages package and throw an error that can be caught in the actual method using makeRequest or makeRealRequest.

The errors being thrown are either:

  • noJsonReturned
  • permissionDenied
  • serverError



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