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Embr Periscope Module Musson Industrial Logo

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A periscope provides a new perspective by allowing users to see over, around, or through obstacles, offering a unique view otherwise obstructed.

A module for Ignition that includes design extensions and enhancements for Perspective.

Getting Started

  1. Download the latest version from releases.
  2. Install the module through the Ignition Gateway web interface.

Module Documentation

Component Directory

Name Category Description
Embedded View + Embedding + An enhanced Embedded View component with load ahead optimizations and gateway-side property handling.
Flex Repeater + Embedding + An enhanced Flex Repeater component with support for unique view paths, common view parameters/styling, load ahead optimizations, and gateway-side property handling.
Swiper Embedding + Swiper is the most modern free and open source mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior.

Scripting Directory

Name Category Description
system.perspective.runJavaScriptAsync Perspective Asynchronously run JavaScript code on the client.
system.perspective.runJavaScriptBlocking Perspective Run JavaScript code on the client and block for the result.


The changelog is regularly updated to reflect what's changed in each new release.


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npm i @embr-modules/periscope

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  • benmusson