eljs release
$ npm i @eljs/release -D
// or
$ yarn add @eljs/release -D
// or
$ pnpm add @eljs/release -D
"scripts": {
++ "release: "release"
Usage: release [options] [version]
version Target release version.
-v, --version Output the current version.
--verbose Whether display verbose message.
--dry Instead of executing, display details about the affected packages that would be publish.
--latest Whether generate latest changelog.
--ownership-checks Check the npm ownership.
--sync-cnpm Whether sync to cnpm when publish done.
--no-confirm No confirm the bump version.
--no-git-checks No check the git status and remote.
--no-registry-checks No check the package registry.
--no-github-release No release to github when publish down.
--tag <tag> Npm publish tag.
--repo-type <repo-type> Publish type, github or gitlab.
--repo-url <repo-url> Github repo url to release.
--changelog-preset <changelog-preset> Customize conventional changelog preset.
-h, --help display help for command
$ pnpm dev --filter @eljs/release
// or
$ pnpm -F '@eljs/release' dev
1. 语义化提交 Commit
$ git commit -m 'feat(release): add some feature'
$ git commit -m 'fix(release): fix some bug'
$ pnpm build --filter @eljs/release
// or
$ pnpm -F '@eljs/release' build
$ pnpm release
--skipTests skip package test
--skipBuild skip package build