TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.14 • Public • Published


A smart SQL database manager with easy and quick to use query and object management features.


Import all modules needed from the @elijahjcobb/nosql package.

import { ECSQLObject } from "@elijahjcobb/nosql";


Everything in this package is promise based. So inside an async function call the static function connect() on the ECMDatabase class.

import { ECSQLDatabase } from "@elijahjcobb/nosql";

	host: "localhost",
	port: 3306,
	username: "root",
	password: "",
	database: "testing",
	verbose: false,
	duplicateKeys: {
		"user_email_uindex": "email"

Init Object Structure

Key Type Optional Default Description
database string false none The database to access on your SQL server.
verbose boolean true false Enabling verbose mode will log every event processed by this package.
duplicateKeys object true none You can specify a key and value for the duplicated column so that when a duplication occurs this package will through an error that is relevant for your situation.
host string true localhost The host your SQL server is running on.
port number true 3306 The port your SQL server is running on.
username string true root The username for logging into your SQL server.
password string true none The password for logging into your SQL server.

Creating a Prototype

Create a class that extends the abstract class ECSQLObject. ECSQLObject requires a generic Props type. Make an interface that extends ECSQLObjectPropType and then use that interface as the type for the ECSQLObject. Make sure to add a public constructor to your new class that calls super(table: string, types: ECSQLObjectTypes<Props>). That way to make a new object of your class you don't need to supply anything in the constructor.


import { ECSQLObject, ECSQLObjectPropType } from "@elijahjcobb/nosql";

interface UserProps {
	name: string;
	age: number;
	password: Buffer;

class User extends ECSQLObject<UserProps> {
	public constructor() {
		super("userTable", {
			name: "string",
			age: "number",
			password: "buffer"

In the example above a User class is created. Now you can easily do anything on your user. You can also write functions on your User that only a User would have.

Using a Prototype

Every prototype has a props property that conforms to the type you define. An object will have:

  • id: string
  • updatedAt: number
  • createdAt: number
  • props: T


The props follows the interface you supply when making a class that extends ECSQLObject. Using the example from above you can access different properties on the User.

let user: User = new User();
user.props.name = "Elijah";
user.props.age = 20;
user.props.password = Buffer.alloc()
user.id; // the id of the user
user.updatedAt; // the timestamp the user was last updated
user.createdAt; // the timestamp the user created

await user.update();
await user.create();
await user.delete();
await user.fetch("id-goes-here");
await user.updateProps("name", "age");

Fetching an Object

You can use the ECMQuery to fetch an object. Pass the class of the object and the id and it will return a type safe instance of the class for the given id.

let user: User = await ECSQLQuery.getObjectWithId(User, "the-id-of-user");

Query with ECMQuery

Create Query

To create a query, make a new instance of ECSQLQuery and pass the class of the object you will be querying and whether all the filters should be queried as AND or OR;


You in the constructor for an ECSQLQuery you supply a factory but you also supply a filter which can be a ECSQLFiler or an ECSQLFilterGroup instance. Filter groups are used to group filters by a common conditional. Check out the example below...


You can sort the query by using the setSort(<ECSQLSort>) method that takes a ECSQLSort instance. To create a new instance, provide a key that is a key of the props, and a sort direction.

Setting a Limit

Use the setLimit(<number>) function that takes a number to limit the amount of responses from the query.

Sending Query

You can use the getAll() or getFirst() methods that return promises of either the first object that matches the query, or all objects that match the query.


let query: ECSQLQuery<User, UserProps> = new ECSQLQuery(User, new ECSQLFilterGroup(
	new ECSQLFilter("age", ECSQLOperator.NotEqual, 51),
	new ECSQLFilterGroup(
		new ECSQLFilter("age", ECSQLOperator.Equal, 15),
		new ECSQLFilterGroup(
			new ECSQLFilter("age", ECSQLOperator.LessThanOrEqual, 100),
			new ECSQLFilter("age", ECSQLOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, 20)

This example would return all users whose age is between 20 and 100 or whose age is 15 but not 51.

Need more than default types?

If you need to use instances that are not string, number, boolean, array, object, or buffer that is now since version 0.0.4. Below is an example of how you can very easily support this.


All you need to do is add the property on your class like you normally would. In the example below a MyDate date object is used. Because the MyDate can be stored as a string which is one of the types supported by this package, you can override the two methods in the class below. overrideEncoding and overrideDecoding are called after internal encoding and decoding occur. So if you want to have your own MyDate for a birthday, you can simply set it and return encoded. Likewise, to initialize the date, use the decoding method and set the value from the row that is provided.


class MyDate {
	public date: string;
	public constructor(date: string) {
		this.date = date;

interface UserProps {
	firstName: string;
	birthday: string;

class User extends ECSQLObject<UserProps> {

	public birthday: MyDate | undefined;

	public constructor() {

		super("user", {
			firstName: "string",
			birthday: "string"


	public async overrideEncoding(encoded: ECSQLObjectRowOverride<UserProps>): Promise<ECSQLObjectRowOverride<UserProps>> {

		if (this.birthday) {

			encoded.set("birthday", this.birthday.date);


		return encoded;


	public async overrideDecoding(row: ECSQLObjectRow<UserProps>): Promise<void> {

		this.birthday = new MyDate(row.get("birthday") as string);




This package contains a /tests directory with some jest unit tests. If you find a bug please let me know and I will fix the package! :)


Everything is completely documented. You can view the declaration files or even the source code on GitHub.


If you find any bugs please create an issue on GitHub or if you are old fashioned email me at elijah@elijahcobb.com.

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