TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.7 • Public • Published


This project is built on top of the edgematrixjs-packages and provides commonly used APIs such as "Send Node [Methods]", "Send Message", "Create a Subject", and "Subscribe to a Subject."

It uses "@edgematrixjs/tx" for encoding and signing communication data.

It utilizes "@edgematrixjs/http" for HTTP communication. However, you can also use your own implementation by implementing the postJSON() method.

For WebSocket communication, it relies on "@edgematrixjs/socket." You can also use a custom implementation by implementing the send(), removeMessageListener(), and addMessageListener() methods.


npm install --save @edgematrixjs/rtc


  "@edgematrixjs/tx": "^1.0.0",
  "@edgematrixjs/util": "^1.0.0",
  "@edgematrixjs/http": "^1.0.0",
  "@edgematrixjs/socket": "^1.0.0"


Send Node Api

import { Http } from '@edgematrixjs/http';
import { RTC } from '@edgematrixjs/rtc';
const emHttp = new Http({ baseURL: httpsUrl });
const rtc = new RTC();
const path = '/sdapi/v1/txt2img';
const method = 'POST';
const headers: any[] = [];
const body = { prompt: 'cat', width: 80, height: 80 };
const { _result, _desc, data } = await rtc.sendNodeApi(
  { chainId, nodeId, path, method, headers, body },
if (_result !== 0) {
  throw new Error(_desc);
//the formatted implementing follow "test/node.spec.tx"
const newData = formatted(data);
const insideResponse = newData.result?.response;
const images = insideResponse?.images || [];
st.equal(images.length, 1, `send node api success`);

Create Subject

import { Http } from '@edgematrixjs/http';
import { RTC } from '@edgematrixjs/rtc';
const chatId = 2;
const privateKey = '';
const httpsUrl = 'https://oregon.edgematrix.xyz';
const emHttp = new Http({ baseURL: httpsUrl });
const rtc = new RTC();
const { _result, hash } = await rtc.createSubject(chainId, privateKey, emHttp);
//_result === 0 is success, the 'hash' is subject

Subscribe Subject

import { EmSocket } from '@edgematrixjs/socket';
import { RTC } from '@edgematrixjs/rtc';
//connect method implement follow in test/index.spec.ts
const wssUrl = 'wss://oregon.edgematrix.xyz/edge_ws';
const handleAction = ({ action, event }) => {};
const { _result: _socketResult, emSocket, event } = await connect({ network: wssUrl, callback: handleAction });
if (_socketResult !== 0) {
  throw new Error('socket is error');
const rtc = new RTC();
const chatId = 2;
const application = 'edge_chat';
const subject = 'Your Subject';
const content = 'Your Content';
const params = { subject, application, content, chainId };
const { _result } = await rtc.subscribe(params, privateKey, emSocket);
//_result === 0 is success

Send Message

import { Http } from '@edgematrixjs/http';
import { RTC } from '@edgematrixjs/rtc';
const httpsUrl = 'https://oregon.edgematrix.xyz';
const emHttp = new Http({ baseURL: httpsUrl });
const rtc = new RTC();
const params = {
  subject: globalSubject,
  application: 'edge_chat',
  content: JSON.stringify({ data: 'test send message' }),
  //When the "To" parameter is empty, everyone who subscribed to the subject will receive your message
  //to?: {TargetPublicKey},
const { _result } = await rtc.sendMessage(params, privateKey, emHttp);
//_result === 0 is success

The more used in test/index.spec.ts

npm run test:node
npm run test:browser


constructor(config?: RTCConfig)

Initializes the RTC object with an optional configuration object.

subscribe(params: SubscribeParams, privateKey: string, emSocket: EmSocket): Promise<CreateSubjectResp>

Subscribes to a subject for real-time communication.

  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing the subject, content, application, and chainId.
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • emSocket: The EmSocket object for communication.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves with the response containing the result and hash of the subscription.

sendSocketMessage(params: SubscribeParams, privateKey: string, emSocket: EmSocket)

Sends a message using the socket.

  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing the subject, content, application, and chainId.
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • emSocket: The EmSocket object for communication.

createSubject(chainId: number, privateKey: string, http: Http): Promise<any>

Creates a new subject for real-time communication.

  • Parameters:
    • chainId: The chain ID.
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • http: The Http object for making HTTP requests.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves with the response containing the result and data of the subject creation.

getTelegramCount(chainId: number, privateKey: string, http: Http): Promise<any>

Retrieves the telegram count for a given chain and address.

  • Parameters:
    • chainId: The chain ID.
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • http: The Http object for making HTTP requests.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves with the response containing the result and nonce.

getTelegramReceipt(hash: string, http: Http): Promise<any>

Retrieves the receipt of a telegram message.

  • Parameters:
    • hash: The hash of the telegram message.
    • http: The Http object for making HTTP requests.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves with the response containing the result, hash, and data of the telegram receipt.

sendMessage(messageParams: MessageParams, privateKey: string, http: Http): Promise<any>

Sends a message using HTTP.

  • Parameters:
    • messageParams: An object containing the subject, content, to, application, and chainId.
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • http: The Http object for making HTTP requests.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves with the response containing the result of the message sending.

sendNodeApi({ chainId, nodeId, path, method, headers, body }: NodeParameters, privateKey: string, http: Http): Promise<RawTelegramResponse>

Calling the internal API of the node

  • Parameters:
    • NodeParameters: chainId:number, nodeId:number, path:'string', method:'string', headers:[], body,
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • http: The Http object for making HTTP requests.
  • Returns: RawTelegramResponse {_result,_desc?,data}

sendNodeInfo({ chainId, nodeId}: NodeParameters, privateKey: string, http: Http): Promise<RawTelegramResponse>

Query the "Info" of the node

  • Parameters:
    • NodeParameters: chainId:number, nodeId:number
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • http: The Http object for making HTTP requests.
  • Returns: RawTelegramResponse {_result,_desc?,data}

sendNodeIdl({ chainId, nodeId }: NodeParameters, privateKey: string, http: Http): Promise<RawTelegramResponse>

Query the "IDL" of the node

  • Parameters:
    • NodeParameters: chainId:number, nodeId:number
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • http: The Http object for making HTTP requests.
  • Returns: RawTelegramResponse {_result,_desc?,data}

sendNodeEcho({ chainId, nodeId, body }: NodeParameters, privateKey: string, http: Http): Promise<RawTelegramResponse>

Calling the "echo" of the node

  • Parameters:
    • NodeParameters: chainId:number, nodeId:number, body:string,
    • privateKey: The private key used for signing the transaction.
    • http: The Http object for making HTTP requests.
  • Returns: RawTelegramResponse {_result,_desc?,data}



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