npm package: @ecl/twig-component-link
npm install --save @ecl/twig-component-link
"link" (associative array) (default: 'predefined structure below')
- "type" (string) (default: '') - type of link. Available types are '', 'standalone', 'cta', 'primary', 'secondary'
- "inverted" (boolean) (default: false) - Is the link inverted (displayed on dark background) or not
- "no_visited" (boolean) (default: false) - Prevent color change for visited links
- "label" (string) (default: '') - Content of link
- "path" (string) (default: '') - Link url (href attribute)
- "external" (boolean) (default: false) Activates the external link icon
- "sr_external" (string) (default: '') Additional label for external icon
- "aria_label" (string) Aria label attribute value
- "icon_position" (string) (default: 'after') - Position of link icon (can be 'before' or 'after') if icon is available
- "icon_path" (string) (default: '') - Path to the icon sprite in case of external links
- "icon" (optional) (associative array) OR (array) of associate arrays - Default structure of the icon component, but extra_classes is an internal key. The name has to be non empty for the icon to be printed.
- "extra_classes" (optional) (string) (default: '') Extra classes (space separated)
"extra_attributes" (optional) (array) (default: []) Extra attributes
- "name" (string) Attribute name, eg. 'data-test'
- "value" (string) Attribute value, eg: 'data-test-1',
{% include '@ecl/link/link.html.twig' with {
link: {
type: 'standalone',
label: 'Standalone link',
path: '',
icon_position: 'after'
aria_label: 'An aria label'
icon: {
path: '/path-to-the-icon-file',
name: 'external',
extra_classes: 'my-extra-class-1 my-extra-class-2'
extra_classes: 'my-extra-class-1 my-extra-class-2',
extra_attributes: [
{ name: 'data-test', value: 'data-test-value' },
{ name: 'data-test-1', value: 'data-test-value-1' }
} %}