ECL Footer Harmonised component
npm package: @ecl/twig-component-footer-harmonised
npm install --save @ecl/twig-component-footer-harmonised
- "group" (string) (default: 'group1'): 'group1' or 'group2'
"rows" (array of objects) (default: [])
- "section_class_name" (string) (default: '')
- "title" (optional) (string) OR (object with Link component in property)
- "title_with_separator" (optional) (bolean) (default: false)
- "description" (optional) (string) (default: '')
- "content_before" (optional) (string) (default: '')
- "links" (optional) (array of objects) (default: []),
- "link" (link object)
- "content_before" (string) Optional text before the link
- "content_after" (string) Optional text after the link
- "links_inline" (optional) (bolean) (default: false) Optional inline style for the list
- "logos" (optional) (array of images objects) (default: []): "title": (string) (default: '') Title attribute "alt": (string) (default: '') Alternative text "src": (string) (default: '') Url of the image
- "logo"
- "alt" (string) alt attribute for the logo link
- "path" (string) logo link path
- "language" (string) Language code
- "src_mobile" (string) Path the mobile logo
- "src_desktop" (string) Path to the desktop logo
- "extra_classes" (optional) (string) (default: '') Extra classes (space separated)
"extra_attributes" (optional) (array) (default: []) Extra attributes
- "name" (string) Attribute name, eg. 'data-test'
- "value" (string) Attribute value, eg: 'data-test-1',
{% include '@ecl/footer-harmonised/footer-harmonised.html.twig' with {
group: 'group1',
sections: [
type: 'site_name',
section_id: 1,
title: {
link: {
label: "Site name",
path: "/example"
'This site is managed by the Directorate-General for "DG identification"',
section_id: 2,
title: 'Contact us',
title_class_name: 'ecl-footer-harmonised__title--separator',
links: [
link: {
label: 'Contact information of the DG',
path: '/example',
section_id: 2,
title: 'Follow us on',
title_class_name: 'ecl-footer-harmonised__title--separator',
links: [
link: {
label: 'Facebook',
path: '/example',
icon_position: 'before',
icon: {
path: '/path-to-the-icon-file',
name: 'facebook',
size: 'xs',
list_class_name: 'ecl-footer-harmonised__list--inline',
section_id: 3,
content_before: 'More information on:',
links: [
link: {
label: 'Related link 1',
path: '/example',
list_class_name: 'ecl-footer-harmonised__list--condensed',