A core-agnostic implementation of Serverless Components (codenamed LEGO). The "core" in this repo is just a cli that runs the method/command you specified, from a serverless.js
and pass the options as inputs.
The goal of this repo is to quickly innovate on the concept of components and abstractions, and design the core along the way as the needs arise: fat components first, thin core second.
npm i -g @eahefnawy/lego
Run a serverless.js in cwd
const deploy = async (inputs) => {
console.log('deploy running...')
return {}
const remove = async (inputs) => {
console.log('remove running...')
return {}
const hello = async (inputs) => {
console.log(`hello ${inputs.name}...`)
return {}
module.exports = { deploy, remove, hello }
lego deploy
lego remove
lego hello --name world
Run a registry component:
lego <OPERATION> <COMPONENT> {...inputs}
# example
lego deploy lambda --name hello --memory 512
Note: Check out the components & examples folder for real world working examples, as well as the poc
folder for some abstraction ideas.
- name (string) - default: lego
- service (string) - default: lambda.amazonaws.com
- name (string)
- service (string)
- arn (string)
example (master)$ lego deploy role
Status: Role Deployed
Name: lego
Service: lambda.amazonaws.com
ARN: arn:aws:iam::552750238291:role/lego
example (master)$
- name (string) - default: lego
- description (string) - default: lego Lambda Component
- handler (string) - default: handler.hello
- runtime (string) - default: nodejs8.10
- shim (string) - default: null
- code (string) - default: cwd
- memory (number) - default: 128
- timeout (number) - default: 10
- env (object) - default: {}
- name (string)
- description (string)
- handler (string)
- runtime (string)
- shim (string)
- code (string)
- memory (number)
- timeout (number)
- env (object)
- arn (string)
- role (object) - role outputs
example (master)$ lego deploy lambda
Status: Lambda Deployed
Name: lego
Memory: 128
Timeout: 10
Runtime: nodejs8.10
Handler: handler.hello
ARN: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:552750238299:function:lego
example (master)$
- name (string) - default: lego
- code (string) - default: cwd
assets (string) - default:
envFileLocation (string) - default:
- env (object) - default: {}
- buildCmd (string) - default: null
- name (string)
- url (string)
example (master)$ lego deploy website
Status: Website Deployed
URL: lego-ebd3.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
example (master)$
- name (string) - default: lego
- key (string) - default: id
- name (string)
- key (string)
example (master)$ lego deploy table
Status: Table Deployed
Name: lego
Key: id
example (master)$
- name (string) - default: lego
- description (string) - default: lego websockets
- stage (string) - default: dev
- routeSelectionExpression (string) - default: $request.body.action
- routes (object) - key:value map of route:lambdaArn
- name (string)
- description (string)
- stage (string)
- routeSelectionExpression (string)
- routes (object)
- id (string)
- url (string)
example (master)$ lego deploy websockets
Status: WebSockets Deployed
Name: lego
ID: axvfuc9ql0
Stage: dev
Expression: $request.body.action
URL: wss://axvfuc9ql0.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/
- $connect
- $disconnect
- $default
example (master)$
- name (string) - default: lego
- description (string) - default: lego websockets
- stage (string) - default: dev
- code (string) - default: cwd
- memory (number) - default: 128
- timeout (number) - default: 10
- env (object) - default: {}
- lambda (object) - lambda outputs
- websockets (object) - websockets outputs
example (master)$ lego deploy socket
Status: Socket Deployed
URL: wss://axvfuc9ql0.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/
example (master)$
Connect Command
The Socket component has a custom connect command that connects you to a local or deployed socket.
// socket.js in cwd
// if you deployed you'll be connected
// to the remote websockets server
// if not, you'll be connected to a local server
lego connect socket
// or you can force a local connection
lego connect socket --local
// By default, you're connected to the default route
// but you can specify a specific route to connect to
lego connect --route message
// if your socket.js file in another directory
lego connect socket --code ./backend
Realtime App
- name (string) - default: realtimeApp
- description (string) - default: Realtime App
- stage (string) - default: dev
- frontend (object) - website inputs
- backend (object) - socket inputs
- website (object) - website outputs
- socket (object) - socket outputs
realtimeApp (master)$ node ../../bin/lego deploy
Status: Realtime App Deployed
Socket URL: wss://39jpalv9u5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/
Website URL: realtimeapp-dev-1hmjmr.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
realtimeApp (master)$
Connect Command
The Realtime app component also exposes the Socket component connect
command. So you can connect exactly the same way.
serverless.yml is the bottleneck
Declaring composable components in a serverless.yml
file is the source of all the complexity we have in v2. To accomplish this we face two very complicated and challenging issues:
- Varaible Support: supporting variables feels like writing a programming language from scratch. We invested a lot in it in v1, and it still has hard to solve bugs. Variable support in v2 is even more challenging since it's used for component composition.
- Components Dependency: to compose components together, some components would depend on others. So we need to somehow figure out the correct order of deployment, and a graph or a tree is usually required, causing a lot of complexity.
Programatic support first
As soon as we ignore the serverless.yml
requirement and start to think about a serverless.js
file, the majority of the core is shrinked. Giving power to the developer to do anything, without any new concepts or learnings! So instead of perfecting a serverless.yml
implemnetation, we should instead provide them the tools/functions to easily and simply write deployment scripts. You can think of it as gulp for serverless infrastructure.
A component is just an npm package that contains deployment logic. Instead of enforcing a certain component core api, we should encourage best practices. For example, a component typically (but not required) has a deploy
and remove
functions. When we think of components as just npm packages, we can make full use of node.js and npm, just like plugins do in v1, helping us to iterate quickly and build a bigger community faster.
The real value is in the registry
The more components we have in the registry, the more valuable the entire project is, and the easier it becomes to write more components. With enough low level components, eventually we could reach a point where you don't need to provide any inputs for high level components. For example lego deploy users
would deploy the users
component by deploying the apig, lambda code/config and dynamoDb schema required, and logs the http endpoints you need.
With that in mind, it becomes clear that the registry and the community is the framework!
Component consumer = component producer
Supporting serverless.js
instead of serverless.yml
breaks the barrier between a component consumer and a component producer, and instead we have a single component user. The experience for using a component, and developing a component would be exactly the same. We just need to simplify it as much as possible. Publishing a component is as simple as publishing an npm package.
Each user defines his own cli experience
Since each component is just an npm package, they should not log anything when used by another component. Instead, each component should return its outputs along with its children's outputs up to the top level component. The top level component then specifies which of all those outputs to log.
In other words, our great uniform cli experience is that you can easily define your own customized, clean and use case focused cli experience.
Beyond JS
Ignoring serverless.yml
limits us to only the JS commnuity. However, if components really simplify deploying serverless infrastructure, and since components are just npm packages, then we should be able to easily use them to deploy a deployment engine that is http exposed. We can then write simple http client in each language we wanna support. So we'd have a lambda that deploys a lambda :), that is if supporting multiple languages is a string requirement.