The default theme package of Semi Design.
By default, the theme package will be automatically installed as dependence of @douyinfe/semi-foundation
You can make a custom theme through Semi Design System.
├── package.json
├── scripts // Relevant compilation script
│ ├── build-css.js
│ └── processor.js
├── scss
│ ├── _font.scss // Font-related scss mixin
│ ├── _palette.scss // Global original color palette(css variable)
│ ├── global.scss // Global Design Token(css variable, including light and dark mode)
│ ├── index.scss // Entry
│ ├── mixin.scss // Extra mixin(e.g, shadow)
│ └── variables.scss // Sizing,spacing,zindex and font related design token
└── semi.scss // Unified compilation entry for node-sass or dart-sass consumption
- No need to switch at runtime, carried by sass variable
- Need to support runtime switching, such as the color variable related to the dark mode, carried by css variable