
5.12.11 • Public • Published

React VS Tagger

React VS Tagger is a simple tagging component ready to drop in your React projects. Originally based on the React Tags project by Matt Hinchliffe. Forked due to multiple reasons, namely:

  • I supposed it were hard to argue for the original modification goal of making the input optional
  • "Standard JS" is completely unacceptable for me as any collaboration basis

Feel free to merge/cherry pick/whatever anything back to any predecessor/parent project.

Project strives to maintain compatibility with :

  • ES5
  • Preact / Preact-Compat / PreactX
  • Non-Node runtimes (for usage)

Documentation is awkward / unlinted at the moment. Please bear with me while I fix it.


This is a Javascript module available through the npm registry. Before installing, download and install Node.js.

Installation using npm:

npm install --save @dorgaren/react-vs-tagger

Using yarn:

yarn add @dorgaren/react-vs-tagger

(this is untested but should work)


Here's a sample implementation that initializes the component with a list of preselected tags and a suggestions list. For further customization details, see options.

import React from "react";
import Tagger from "@dorgaren/react-vs-tags";

class App extends React.Component

        this.state = {
            tags: [
                { id: 1, name: "Apples" },
                { id: 2, name: "Pears" }
          suggestions: [
                { id: 3, name: "Bananas" },
                { id: 4, name: "Mangos" },
                { id: 5, name: "Lemons" },
                { id: 6, name: "Apricots" }

        const tags = this.state.tags.slice(0);
        tags.splice(index, 1);
        this.setState({ tags });

        const tags = [].concat(this.state.tags, tag);
        this.setState({ tags });

        return (
                tags={ this.state.tags }
                suggestions={ this.state.suggestions }
                handleDelete={ this.handleDelete.bind(this) }
                handleAddition={ this.handleAddition.bind(this) }

React.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));


tags (optional)

An array of selected tags. Each tag is an object which must have an id and a name property. Defaults to [].

const tags =  [
  { id: 1, name: 'Apples' },
  { id: 2, name: 'Pears' }

suggestions (optional)

An array of tag suggestions. Each suggestion is an object which must have an id and a name property and an optional disabled property to make the suggestion non-selectable. Defaults to [].

const suggestions = [
  { id: 3, name: 'Bananas' },
  { id: 4, name: 'Mangos' },
  { id: 5, name: 'Lemons' },
  { id: 6, name: 'Apricots', disabled: true }

suggestionsFilter (optional)

A callback function to filter suggestion items with. The callback receives two arguments; a suggestion and the current query and must return a boolean value.

If no function is supplied the default filter is applied. Defaults to null.

placeholder (optional)

The placeholder string shown for the input. Defaults to 'Add new tag'.

autofocus (optional)

Boolean parameter to control whether the text-input should be autofocused on mount. Defaults to true.

autoresize (optional)

Boolean parameter to control whether the text-input should be automatically resized to fit its value. Defaults to true.

delimiters (optional)

An array of numbers matching KeyboardEvent.keyCode values. When a corresponding key is pressed it will trigger tag selection or creation. Defaults to [9, 13] (Tab and return keys).

delimiterChars (optional)

Array of characters matching KeyboardEvent.key values. This is useful when needing to support a specific character irrespective of the keyboard layout. Defaults to [].

minQueryLength (optional)

Minimum query length required to show the suggestions list. Defaults to 2.

maxSuggestionsLength (optional)

Maximum number of suggestions to display. Defaults to 6.

classNames (optional)

Override the default class names used by the component. Defaults to:

  root: 'react-tags',
  rootFocused: 'is-focused',
  selected: 'react-tags__selected',
  selectedTag: 'react-tags__selected-tag',
  selectedTagName: 'react-tags__selected-tag-name',
  search: 'react-tags__search',
  searchInput: 'react-tags__search-input',
  suggestions: 'react-tags__suggestions',
  suggestionActive: 'is-active',
  suggestionDisabled: 'is-disabled'

handleAddition (required)

Function called when the user wants to add a tag. Receives the tag.

function handleAddition(tag) {
  const tags = [...this.state.tags, tag]
  this.setState({ tags })

handleDelete (required)

Function called when the user wants to delete a tag. Receives the tag index.

function handleDelete(i) {
  const tags = this.state.tags.slice(0)
  tags.splice(i, 1)
  this.setState({ tags })

handleInputChange (optional)

Optional event handler when the input value changes. Receives the current query.

function handleInputChange(query) {
  if (!this.state.busy) {
    this.setState({ busy: true })

    return fetch(`query=${query}`).then((result) => {
      this.setState({ busy: false })

handleFocus (optional)

Optional callback function for when the input receives focus. Receives no arguments.

handleBlur (optional)

Optional callback function for when focus on the input is lost. Receives no arguments.

handleValidate (optional)

Optional validation function that determines if tag should be added. Receives the tag object and must return a boolean.

function handleValidate(tag) {
  return tag.name.length >= 5;

addOnBlur (optional)

Creates a tag from the current input value when focus on the input is lost. Defaults to false.

allowNew (optional)

Enable users to add new (not suggested) tags. Defaults to false.

allowBackspace (optional)

Enable users to delete selected tags when backspace is pressed while focussed on the text input when empty. Defaults to true.

clearInputOnDelete (optional)

Clear the text input when a tag is deleted. Defaults to true.

tagComponent (optional)

Provide a custom tag component to render. Defaults to null.

inputAttributes (optional)

An object containing additional attributes that will be applied to the text input. Please note that this prop cannot overwrite existing attributes, it can only add new ones. Defaults to {}.


It is possible to customize the appearance of the component, the included styles found in /example/styles.css are only an example.


The component is written in ES6 and uses Webpack as its build tool.

npm install
npm run dev # open http://localhost:8080

Upgrading from 4.x to 5.x

  1. The delimiters option has been removed, any references to this will now be ignored.
  2. The classNames option has been updated:
-  root: 'ReactTags',
-  tagInput: 'ReactTags__tagInput',
-  selected: 'ReactTags__selected',
-  tag: 'ReactTags__tag',
-  tagName: 'ReactTags__tagName',
-  suggestions: 'ReactTags__suggestions',
-  isActive: 'is-active',
-  isDisabled: 'is-disabled'
+  root: 'react-tags',
+  rootFocused: 'is-focused',
+  selected: 'react-tags__selected',
+  selectedTag: 'react-tags__selected-tag',
+  selectedTagName: 'react-tags__selected-tag-name',
+  search: 'react-tags__search',
+  searchInput: 'react-tags__search-input',
+  suggestions: 'react-tags__suggestions',
+  suggestionActive: 'is-active',
+  suggestionDisabled: 'is-disabled'

For smaller changes refer to the changelog.

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npm i @dorgaren/react-vs-tagger

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  • strongholdmedia