React component to have a flexible className as Vue style but in React.
I like to create tools and small libraries and, this was an excuse to create a library in React. Other motivatin is, under my experience, as I have worked with Vue with dynamic classes, has a better flexibility to work with directly in the template and, it is something that I do when I work in React and I have to apply some conditionals in the className
To clarify: I do saying that is better, just is a different way. For me sometimes it is useful.
npm: npm install @dimaslz/react-dynamic-classname
yarn: yarn add @dimaslz/react-dynamic-classname
Pure React
// ...
export const App = () => {
return (
<TAG className={
conditionTrue ? "class-a": "",
conditionFalse ? "class-b": "",
conditionTrue ? "class-c": "",
Demo text
export default App
<!-- will be rendered as: -->
<TAG class="class-a class-c">
Demo text
With this component
import { ReactDynamicClass } from '@dimaslz/react-dynamic-classname';
export const App = () => {
return (
// ...
<TAG d-classname={{
"class-a": true,
"class-b": false,
"class-c": true
Demo text
// ...
export default App
<!-- will be rendered as: -->
<TAG class="class-a class-c">
Demo text
Live demo: https://react-dynamic-classname.dimaslz.dev
name: "Dimas López",
role: "FullStack Software development",
alias: "dimaslz",
twitter: "https://twitter.com/dimaslz",
site: "https://dimaslz.dev",
linkedin: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/dimaslopezzurita"