TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.12.2 • Public • Published


The core module for Dicelette, contains :

  • The dice function (that parse the string into a Dice Parser and send the result in a good message) ;
  • The verification of the template

The two are used in the bot and documentation.

Type alias

  • Sign: "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "^" | "**";
  • Statistic : { [name: string]: { combinaison?: string; max?: number; min?: number; } } :
    • name: string : The name of the statistic
    • combinaison: string : A combinaison between multiple/other statistic, formula... (ex: constitution+2). Can't coexist with min & max.
    • max: number : The maximum value of the statistic
    • min: number : The minimum value of the statistic

Interface (index.d.ts)


  • sign: "<" | ">" | ">=" | "<=" | "=" | "!=" | "=="
  • value: number


  • Optional failure: number
  • Optional success: number


  • sign: Sign
  • value: number


  • Optional comment: string
  • Optional compare: Compare
  • dice: string
  • Optional modifier: Modifier
  • result: string

Statistical Template


diceType: "1d20+{{$}}>=20"

The dice throw will be 1d20 + statistique that must be less than 20

diceType: "1d20<=$"

The dice throw will be 1d20 that must be less than the statistic


  • Optional charName: boolean Allow to force the user to choose a name for them characters

  • Optional critical: Critical How the success/echec will be done

  • Optional damage: { [name: string]: string } Special dice for damage

  • Optional diceType: string A die type in the notation supported by the bot. See documentation for syntaxe.

  • Optional statistics: Statistic

  • Optional total: number A total can be set, it allows to calculate the total value of a future register member If the sum of the value > total, the bot will send a message to the user to inform him that the total is exceeded and an error will be thrown Note: Statistic that have a formula will be ignored from the total




  • const COMMENT_REGEX: RegExp


calculator(sign, value, total): number

Evaluate a formula and replace "^" by "**" if any

Name Type
sign Sign
value number
total number

roll(dice): Resultat | undefined

Parse the string provided and turn it as a readable dice for dice parser

Name Type Description
dice string {string}


cleanedDice(dice): string

Replace the ++ +- -- by their proper value:

  • ++ = +
  • +- = -
  • -- = +
Name Type Description
dice string {string}

escapeRegex(string): string

Escape regex string

Name Type Description
string string {string}

generateStatsDice(originalDice, stats?): string

Replace the stat name by their value using stat and after evaluate any formula using replaceFormulaInDice

Name Type Description
originalDice string {dice}
stats? Object {[name: string]: number}

replaceFormulaInDice(dice, stats): string

Replace the {{}} in the dice string and evaluate the interior if any

Name Type Description
dice string {string}

Verify Template

diceRandomParse(value, template): string

Generate a random dice and remove the formula (+ evaluate it) Used for diceDamage only

Name Type Description
value string {string}
template StatisticalTemplate {StatisticalTemplate}

diceTypeRandomParse(dice, template): string

Name Type Description
dice string {string}
template StatisticalTemplate {StatisticalTemplate}

evalCombinaison(combinaison, stats): Object

Random the combinaison and evaluate it to check if everything is valid

Name Type Description
combinaison Object {[name: string]: string}
stats Object {[name: string]: string|number}

evalOneCombinaison(combinaison, stats): any

Evaluate one selected combinaison

Name Type Description
combinaison string {string}
stats Object {[name: string]: string|number}

evalStatsDice(testDice, stats?): string

Verify if the provided dice work with random value

Name Type Description
testDice string {string}
stats? Object {[name: string]: number}

generateRandomStat(total?, max?, min?): number

Name Type Default value
total undefined | number 100
max? number undefined
min? number undefined

testCombinaison(template): void

Test all combinaison with generated random value

Name Type
template StatisticalTemplate

testDamageRoll(template): void

Test each damage roll from the template.damage

Name Type
template StatisticalTemplate

verifyTemplateValue(template): StatisticalTemplate

Parse the provided JSON and verify each field to check if everything could work when rolling

Name Type
template any

Package Sidebar


npm i @dicelette/core

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  • lisandra-dev